Nokturnus (Talent)

From Dragon Quest Wiki

Nokturnus is the monster talent named for the extra-dimensional demon capable of laying siege to entire worlds.


Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince[edit]

Ability Description Talent Points
Oomph Increases one ally's attack by 50% for 2~5 turns 10
Dragon Slash Double damage to dragons, other families take 60% damage 20
Sword Dance Lashes out with 3~7 physical attacks at 30% strength per blow 30
Kazap Deals approximately 230 Lightning spell damage at 999 wisdom 50
Skysplitter Damages all foes with Wind physical damage at 120% strength 70
Hellish Howl Deals approximately 256 damage to all foes at 1,999 wisdom
Chance to stun for one turn
Pearly Gates Deals approximately 610 Light spell damage at 3,999 wisdom
Deals 30% more damage to zombies
Ice Age Deals 220~265 Ice breath damage to all foes, with a chance to stun for one turn 120
Gigacross Deals Lightning damage to twice to all foes, calculated as (Level/2) + 70~110 150
Disruptive Wave Strips all foes of buffs 200