Bat out of Hell

From Dragon Quest Wiki
(Redirected from Quick)

Bat out of Hell (でんこうせっか denkō-sekka, translated as quick in the Game Boy Color version of Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation) is a personality in the Dragon Quest III remakes, in Dragon Quest X, and in Dragon Quest: Monster Parade.


Main series[edit]

Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation remakes[edit]

In the Dragon Quest III remakes, Bat out of Hell is a personality that improves Agility growth.

The Hero cannot become a Bat out of Hell at the start of the game.

Other party members have a chance to be a Bat out of Hell when recruited as any class except Mage or Priest, depending on their stat bonuses.

Class / gender Stat bonuses for bat out of hell (chance)
Warrior maleWarrior femaleMerchant maleMerchant femaleGadabout maleGadabout female
Martial Artist maleMartial Artist femaleThief maleThief female

An existing character becomes a Bat out of Hell temporarily while wearing the Mercury's bandana accessory.