Stone axe

From Dragon Quest Wiki
(Redirected from Stone Axe)
Stone axe
Japanese いしのオノ
Romaji Ishi no On
Old localizations Rock axe
Stone axe
Found in Dragon Quest V
Dragon Quest VI
Dragon Quest VII
Dragon Quest VIII
Dragon Quest Builders
Dragon Quest Builders 2
Effect None

The stone axe is a recurring weapon in the Dragon Quest series.

It is a primitive tool straight out of the paleolithic era, and typically the first Axe made available to players.


Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride[edit]

The stone axe has an Attack bonus of +20. It can be bought for 700 gold coins and sold for 525 gold coins and is found in Coburg.

Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation[edit]

The stone axe has an Attack bonus of +19 and a Style bonus of +4. It can be found in Somnia and cost 550 gold coins. Carver, Amos, Lizzie and Goowain can all equip it.

Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past[edit]

The stone axe has an Attack bonus of +19 and a Style bonus of +4. It can be equipped by Kiefer, Ruff, and Aishe and is one of the first weapons Ruff can equip that doesn't decrease his Attack.

Stone axes can be purchased at Frobisher for 810 gold coins and sold for 405 gold coins. They can also be won as prizes from the Lucky Panel at the Casino.

Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King[edit]

The stone axe has an Attack bonus of +20. It can be bought in Port Prospect and Alexandria for 550 gold coins and can be sold for 275 gold coins. It has a 1 in 64 chance of being dropped by a Hood. It can also be made with alchemy:

Recipe: Stone axe = Stone hardhat + Cypress stick

Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker[edit]

The stone axe has an Attack power of +7. It is found in the Infant Island item shop can be bought for 120 gold coins and sold for 60 gold coins.

Dragon Quest Builders[edit]

The stone axe boosts Attack by +14 and can be crafted by combining stone and wood.

Dragon Quest Builders 2[edit]

The stone axe is one of several weapons that are exclusively used by Malroth. It boosts his Attack by +24. It can be crafted from 3 units of stone, 1 unit of wood, and 1 unit of cord at an anvil.
