Wight emperor

From Dragon Quest Wiki

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies[edit]

#232 - Wight Emperor
HP MP Experience Gold
488 120 5250 185
Attack Defense Speed
465 455 242
Dropped Item Mitre (common, 1/64)
Surplice (rare, 1/128)
Locations Grotto
Spells Kazam
Family Undead
Bestiary # 232
Game Dragon Quest IX
Console DS
Description Spine-chilling sorcerers who cast Kazam, Kafuddle and Kathwack. Face them unprepared at your own peril.

They believe that life is pain and death is eternal happiness, and love treating travellers to a taste of 'contentment'.

Dragon Quest X[edit]

While not present in the base game, it is finally fought from the latter half of 3.5 onwards, first found in the Underground of the Great Nagaland Temple.

Related monsters[edit]

Close cousins[edit]