Wight king

From Dragon Quest Wiki

The wight king is an enemy that was introduced in Dragon Quest VIII.

Dragon Quest VIII

#227 - Wight King
File:Wight king.png
HP MP Experience Gold
456 64 477 72
Attack Defense Speed
194 136 125
Dropped Item Saint's ashes (common)
Skull ring (rare)
Locations Dragovian Path
Skills Calls for backup
Attacks twice per round
Spells Fizzle
Family Zombie
Bestiary # 227
Game Dragon Quest VIII
Console PS2
Description Once a king amongst men. Killed during a crusade. His bitter soul bears a grudge to this very day.

Dragon Quest IX

#182 - Wight king
HP MP Experience Gold
186 75 1680 165
Attack Defense Speed
143 196 149
Dropped Item Priestess's pinafore (common, 1/128)
Seed of therapeusis (rare, 1/256)
Locations Gittingham Palace
Urdus Marshland (high ground)
Cringle Coast (island)
Spells Fizzle
Divine Intervention
Family Zombie
Bestiary # 182
Game Dragon Quest IX
Console DS
Description They foil magic with Fizzle, slash spell resistance with Divine Intervention, and stir up a storm with Swoosh.

Recently quoted as saying: 'wE MigHT bE No MoRe tHaN STiNkINg zoMbiEs, bUT aT LEaSt We'Re tHE KinGs Of STInKing!'

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Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2

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