Bad axe

Revision as of 18:38, 17 November 2022 by Follower of Light (talk | contribs)

The Bad axe is a recurring axe in the Dragon Quest series. In most games, it can be improved all the way up to the Galaxy axe.

Bad axe
DQIX Bad axe.png
Japanese グレートアックス
Romaji Gurēto akkusu
Old localizations N/A
Found in Dragon Quest VIII (remake only)
Dragon Quest IX
Dragon Quest XI
Dragon Quest Heroes
Dragon Quest of the Stars
Dragon Quest Walk
Effect Casts Kaswoosh when used as a tool in battle. (DQVIII)
Decreases Tension from a target. (DQIX)
Reduces an enemy's attack. (DQXI)


Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King remake only

In the Nintendo 3DS version, the bad axe has an attack bonus of +90 and casts Kaswoosh when used as a tool in battle. It can only be equipped by Yangus as long as he is level 40. The axe can be sold for 31,000 but it is not recommended to do so as only one can be acquired in the game.

The axe was available as a special promotion to Japanese players through the Square Enix Members website, eventually becoming available as a special delivery item from June 8, 2016 to June 21, 2016. It also became available to international players for a short time in 2017, but after 2018, all DLC items for the 3DS version became unavailable.

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies

   Bad axe  (DS)
Rarity ★★★★☆
Attack +146
Found 1% chance in Level 10 chests
Recipe Recipe: Climaxe x1 + Reset stone x1
Equipable by Gladiator, Ranger, Omnivocational Axemaster
Class Axe
Buy Price N/A
Sell Price 20,000
Flavor text A tip-top tomahawk that takes tension from its target.
Notes Reduces target's Tension.

Upgrades into the Maxi axe by mixing with one Agate of evolution and one Purple orb.

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age

Bad axe  
A clever cleaver that can turn the tide of battle by impairing the attack power of anyone it hits
Stats with forge buffs
Attack +106
Charm +27
Max MP +10
8% chance to Blunt target
Price Location
N/A Found on the seventh floor of The Battleground
Forging difficulty

Being the first stage of an upgrade chain, the bad axe can neither be sold nor reforged as other weapons can.

Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woe and the Blight Below

The bad axe has an attack bonus of +111 and can only be equipped by Yangus. It can be purchased for 31,000 gold after Shadroth is defeated and can be sold for 15,500 gold.

Wield this wicked weapon, and the whole world will notice you.
