Princess of Moonbrooke

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Princess of Moonbrooke
Sprite(s) Dq2princess-sprite-NES.gif
Title Princess
Class Mage
Race Human
Age 16

The Princess of Moonbrooke is a character in Dragon Quest II. She is a descendant of Erdrick who inherited none of her ancestor's physical strength but makes up for that in her ability to use magic.

After Hargon attacks Moonbrooke, the Princess of Moonbrooke is turned into a dog. Later, after her cousins, the Prince of Midenhall and the Prince of Cannock break the curse, she joins forces with them to exact revenge on Hargon for what he did to Moonbrooke and her father.

Appearance and Personality

She is depicted as shorter than her cousins, the Prince of Midenhall and the Prince of Cannock. She has blond hair and is clothed in a white robe and purple hood with Erdrick's crest on them, carrying what looks to be a Wizard's Wand in the Japanese version of the game. In the American version of the game she is tall, blond, and wears a pink and black robe, knee-high black boots, red cape and holds the Staff of Thunder. When cursed by Hargon, she took the form of a brown dog.

In the Japanese version, the princess comes across as a shy but strong willed girl, who wants revenge on Hargon for what was done to her father and home. In the American version her personality isn't expressed as much.


The Princess of Moonbrooke is the most limited in terms of equipment compared to her cousins, being only able to equip light clothing and magical staves and wands. She cannot use any shields. She joins the party equipped only with plain clothes and a cypress stick and does not have much in the way of physical attacks and defense. The SNES and GBC versions of the game mitigate this slightly by improving the attack scores on the wands she can equip.




Dragon Quest II (SNES) 
Armor Modifier(s)
Magical hat Defense +8

Dragon Warrior II (NES) 
Armor Modifier(s)
Magic hat Defense +8


Princess of Moonbrooke casting the spell Infernos.
The Princess of Moonbrooke healing the Prince of Midenhall, with the Prince of Cannock in the background.
Level Learned Original Japanese Dragon Warrior II MP Description
1 ベホイミ Behoimi Healmore 5 A stronger form of Heal.
2 ラリホー Rarihoo Sleep 2 Cast this spell on a group of monsters.
4 バギ Bagi Infernos 4 A wind spell that affects a group of enemies.
6 マヌーサ Manuusa Surround 2 Call a mist of mirages to confuse the enemy.
8 トヘロス Toherosu Repel 2 Gives an effect similar to Fairy Water.
10 ルカナン Rukanan Defence 2 Lower the defensive power of the enemy.
12 キアリー Kiarii Antidote 3 Cures poison.
15 ベホマ Behoma Healall 8 Fully heal one party member.
17 リレミト Riremito Outside 6 Exit a cave with this spell.
19 イオナズン Ionazun Explodet 8 A very powerful explosion spell.
21 トラマナ Toramana Stepguard 4 Walk safely over barriers.
23 アバカム Abakamu Open 2 Open a door without needing a key.
25 パルプンテ Parupunte Chance 15 This spell is unpredictable.


  • Her name and stats are determined by the name the player chooses for the Hero. The Princess' name is selected from a list of eight names. They are Varia, Elani, Ollisa, Roz, Kailin, Peta, Illyth, and Gwen. In the GBC version, her possibly names are: Erin, Mary, Nana, Beth, Fran, Gwen, Lynn, and Sara. Her name can be changed manually by putting in a code at the title screen.

See Also


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