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Plugger (くろうにん kurōnin, translated as Diligent in the Game Boy Color Version of Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation) is a personality in the Dragon Quest III remakes, in Dragon Quest X and in Dragon Quest: Monster Parade.


Main series[edit]

Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation remakes[edit]

"You are what one might call a plugger…

Though the times may be hard… Though the future may be dark… You are never discouraged…

You simply knuckle down, and press onward toward your goal…

At times, you may be frustrated, but what matters is that you carry on…

And yet… Though you remain cheerful and light-hearted… Though your doggedness wins you admiration… One day, you will tire…

You must find someone who accepts you as you are… Someone in whose company you do not need to struggle…"

—? (iOS / Android)

In the Dragon Quest III remakes, plugger is a personality that improves strength and resilience growth, but reduces agility, wisdom, and luck growth.

At the start of the game, the Hero becomes a plugger by receiving the final test of character in the forest. Before leaving the test, the hero must push at least six boulders to the old man, but no more than twenty.

Other party members have a chance to be a plugger when recruited as any class except gadabout, depending on their stat bonuses.

Class / gender Stat bonuses for plugger (chance)
Warrior maleMartial Artist male
  • Resilience bonus highest, 6–9 (27)
Warrior femaleMartial Artist female
  • Resilience bonus highest, 6–9 (13)
Mage malePriest male
  • Strength bonus highest, ≤6, resilience bonus second (411)
  • Resilience bonus highest, 6–10 (14)
Mage femalePriest female
  • Strength bonus highest, ≤6, resilience bonus second (411)
  • Resilience bonus highest, 6–10 (27)
Merchant male
  • Resilience bonus highest, 6–9 (27)
  • Wisdom bonus highest, ≤5 (431)
Merchant female
  • Resilience bonus highest, 6–9 (13)
  • Wisdom bonus highest, ≤5 (431)
Thief maleThief female
  • Wisdom bonus highest, ≤5 (431)

An existing character becomes a plugger temporarily while wearing the restless heart accessory.