Luminary Leader

From Dragon Quest Wiki
Revision as of 11:21, 1 May 2022 by LiquidMetal (talk | contribs) (new template+ martial artist. The stats remain a mystery, but we know the bonus the character gets from the panels so i added that. Missing icons for the armor too.)
Luminary Leader
Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai: A Hero's Bonds
Luminary Leader Hero.png

Japanese name 絆の勇者
Romaji Kizuna no yūsha
Race Human

Luminary Leader is the main protagonist of Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai: A Hero's Bonds. They must always be in the player's party as the party's leader.

Although players can choose their appearance, Luminary Leader is usually depicted as a light-skinned, brunette boy in promotional images.

The Luminary Leader was created by the Goddess in order to fight Xevallo, alongside their guide Pinky. The Luminary Leader has the power of the bonds, allowing them for get stronger the deeper the bonds they form with other people are. They posses a crest similar to Dai's, but their's is shaped like a triangle within another triangle.

Another unique characteristic of the Luminary Leader is that they can change vocation at will.


As a hero, they can equip Swords, Spears and Heavy Shields. Hero is a rounded class, being an offensive vocation and more defensive and lasting that warriors or martial artists.

Heroes can attack in the lane they are in and use their shield to defend. They are quite versatile and have multiple skills that allow them to hit multiple lanes.

HeroAHB logo.png
AHB Hero Icon.png Hero
AHB HP Icon.png HP AHB PAtk Icon.png Physical Attack AHB PDef Icon.png Physical Defence AHB MAtk Icon.png Magical Attack AHB MDef Icon.png Magical Defence AHB Recovery Icon.png Recovery
? + 152 ? + 102 ? + 150 ? + 39 ? + 129 ? + 21
Equippable Gear
Weapons Tops Legs Shields
AHB Sword Icon.png Swords
AHB Spear Icon.png Spears
tops legs ?
Vocation Traits
Main: Luminary Leader (Hero) Soul I:
Luminary Leader (Hero) Soul I: Heals 2% of the user's max. HP for every third skill that hits. Luminary Leader (Hero) Soul II: Raises multi-element damage. (7%)
Luminary Leader (Hero) Soul II: Luminary Leader (Hero) Soul III:
Luminary Leader (Hero) Soul III: Raises the user's Physical and Magical Attack when HP is 75% or more (20%) Luminary Leader (Hero) Soul IV: Raises multi-element Resistance. (2%)
Luminary Leader (Hero) Soul IV: Luminary Leader (Hero) Soul V:
Luminary Leader (Hero) Soul V: Raises multi-element damage. (3%) Luminary Leader (Hero) Soul VI: Raises HP recovered from healing when user's HP is 50% or less. (20%)
Luminary Leader (Hero) Soul VI: Luminary Leader (Hero) Soul VII:
Luminary Leader (Hero) Soul VII: Raises the bonus to Physical and Magical Attack from Soul III. {{{trait8}}}


While in this vocation, the Luminary Leader can use Swords, Axes and Heavy Shields. Warrior is one of the most powerful physical attacking vocation, with it generally having high HP and physical attack.

Warriors cannot defend using a shield, but they can charge a more powerful attack instead. They can hit enemies in all lanes with their combos.

WarriorAHB logo.png
AHB Warrior Icon.png Warrior
AHB HP Icon.png HP AHB PAtk Icon.png Physical Attack AHB PDef Icon.png Physical Defence AHB MAtk Icon.png Magical Attack AHB MDef Icon.png Magical Defence AHB Recovery Icon.png Recovery
? + 228 ? + 201 ? + 55 ? + 21 ? + 55 ? + 9
Equippable Gear
Weapons Tops Legs Shields
AHB Sword Icon.png Swords
AHB Axe Icon.png Axes
tops legs ?
Vocation Traits
Main: Luminary Leader (Warrior) Soul I:
Luminary Leader (Warrior) Soul I: Raises the user's Physical and Magical Defence for a short time when using a skill. (20%) Luminary Leader (Warrior) Soul II: Raises multi-element damage. (7%)
Luminary Leader (Warrior) Soul II: Luminary Leader (Warrior) Soul III:
Luminary Leader (Warrior) Soul III: Has a small chance to raise the user's Physical Attack temporarily after taking a hit. (20%) Luminary Leader (Warrior) Soul IV: Raises multi-element Resistance. (2%)
Luminary Leader (Warrior) Soul IV: Luminary Leader (Warrior) Soul V:
Luminary Leader (Warrior) Soul V: Raises multi-element damage. (3%) Luminary Leader (Warrior) Soul VI: Raises the user's Physical Attack temporarily after performing a Guard Break. (30%)
Luminary Leader (Warrior) Soul VI: Luminary Leader (Warrior) Soul VII:
Luminary Leader (Warrior) Soul VII: Raises the change of getting Soul III. {{{trait8}}}


While they are a mage, the Luminary Leader can equip Heavy Staves and Light Shields. Mages excel in magical damage, and they cannot defend or offer support to their allies.

Like Warriors, Mages charge a more powerful attack instead of defending. They can only attack the enemy in front of them, but they can hit multiple lanes with spells like Bang or Crackle.

MageAHB logo.png
AHB Mage Icon.png Mage
AHB HP Icon.png HP AHB PAtk Icon.png Physical Attack AHB PDef Icon.png Physical Defence AHB MAtk Icon.png Magical Attack AHB MDef Icon.png Magical Defence AHB Recovery Icon.png Recovery
? + 139 ? + 18 ? + 42 ? + 216 ? + 69 ? + 9
Equippable Gear
Weapons Tops Legs Shields
AHB Heavy Wand Icon.png Heavy Wand tops legs ?
Vocation Traits
Main: Luminary Leader (Mage) Soul I:
Luminary Leader (Mage) Soul I: Raises the user's Magical Attack temporarily when attacking with max. charge. (20%) Luminary Leader (Mage) Soul II: Increases damage dealt against enemy weak points. (20%)
Luminary Leader (Mage) Soul II: Luminary Leader (Mage) Soul III:
Luminary Leader (Mage) Soul III: Raises multi-element damage. (7%) Luminary Leader (Mage) Soul IV: Raises multi-element Resistance. (2%)
Luminary Leader (Mage) Soul IV: Luminary Leader (Mage) Soul V:
Luminary Leader (Mage) Soul V: Raises multi-element damage. (3%) Luminary Leader (Mage) Soul VI: Raises the user's Magical Attack for a short time when using a skill. (20%)
Luminary Leader (Mage) Soul VI: Luminary Leader (Mage) Soul VII:
Luminary Leader (Mage) Soul VI: Raises the bonus to Magical Attack from Soul I. {{{trait8}}}


As priest, the Luminary Leader can use Light Staves and Shields. Priests excel at offering healing and support, but they can also cast a few offensive spells.

Priests can defend, and heal and buff allies. Their normal attack only affects the enemy in the same lane, but with some spells like Woosh they can hit multiple lanes at once.

PriestAHB logo.png
AHB Priest Icon.png Priest
AHB HP Icon.png HP AHB PAtk Icon.png Physical Attack AHB PDef Icon.png Physical Defence AHB MAtk Icon.png Magical Attack AHB MDef Icon.png Magical Defence AHB Recovery Icon.png Recovery
? + 120 ? + 5 ? + 45 ? + 100 ? + 57 ? + 145
Equippable Gear
Weapons Tops Legs Shields
AHB Wand Icon.png Wand tops legs ?
Vocation Traits
Main: Luminary Leader (Priest) Soul I:
Luminary Leader (Priest) Soul I: Raises an ally's Physical and Magical Defence by 10% every 10 seconds for a short time when healing them with a skill or special move. (20%) Luminary Leader (Priest) Soul II: Raises multi-element damage. (7%)
Luminary Leader (Priest) Soul II: Luminary Leader (Priest) Soul III:
Luminary Leader (Priest) Soul III: Raises the user's Physical and Magical Defence for a short time when using a skill. (10%) Luminary Leader (Priest) Soul IV: Raises multi-element Resistance. (2%)
Luminary Leader (Priest) Soul IV: Luminary Leader (Priest) Soul V:
Luminary Leader (Priest) Soul V: Raises multi-element damage. (3%) Luminary Leader (Priest) Soul VI: Allows a character to survive a fatal blow with 1 HP when HP is at 30% or more. (Charge time: 30 seconds)
Luminary Leader (Priest) Soul VI: Luminary Leader (Priest) Soul VII:
Luminary Leader (Priest) Soul VI: Raises the bonus to Physical and Magical Defence from Luminary Leader (Priest) Soul III. {{{trait8}}}

Martial Artist

Martial Artist is the only vocation that can use Claws. Martial Artists specialize in just hitting one lane, but their attacks are very powerful.

The Martial Artist vocation, like Mage Warrior, cannot defend but charge a powered up attack instead. Martial Artists can also enter the ___ state, which allows them to use powered up moves and skills for a limited time.

Martial ArtistAHB logo.png
AHB Martial Artist Icon.png Martial Artist
AHB HP Icon.png HP AHB PAtk Icon.png Physical Attack AHB PDef Icon.png Physical Defence AHB MAtk Icon.png Magical Attack AHB MDef Icon.png Magical Defence AHB Recovery Icon.png Recovery
? + 120 ? + 239 ? + 62 ? + 26 ? + 40 ? + 15
Equippable Gear
Weapons Tops Legs Shields
AHB Claws Icon.png Claws tops legs ?
Vocation Traits
Main: Luminary Leader (Martial Artist) Soul I:
Luminary Leader (Priest) Soul I: Has a small chance to raise the user's Physical Attack temporarily. (20%) Luminary Leader (Priest) Soul II: Raises multi-element damage. (7%)
Luminary Leader (Martial Artist) Soul II: Luminary Leader (Martial Artist) Soul III:
Luminary Leader (Priest) Soul III: Raises the user's Physical Attack temporarily when counterattacking. (20%) Luminary Leader (Priest) Soul IV: Raises multi-element Resistance. (2%)
Luminary Leader (Martial Artist) Soul IV: Luminary Leader (Martial Artist) Soul V:
Luminary Leader (Priest) Soul V: Raises multi-element damage. (3%) Luminary Leader (Priest) Soul VI: Boosts activation chance and effects of Soul I.
Luminary Leader (Martial Artist) Soul VI: Luminary Leader (Martial Artist) Soul VII:
Luminary Leader (Priest) Soul VII: Raises the bonus to Physical Attack from Soul III. {{{trait8}}}