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Clown (おちょうしもの ochōshimono, translated as silly in the Game Boy Color version of Dragon Quest III) is a personality in the Dragon Quest III remakes, in Dragon Quest X, and in Dragon Quest: Monster Parade.


Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation[edit]

"You are that classic character… The irrepressible clown…

When others are engaged in serious conversation, you are busy trying to think of ways to make them laugh…

When you see someone working away seriously at something, your first urge is to lift their spirits with a joke…

You are always making others laugh, and for this, you are well-loved…

But look within… Is this the real you? I think you know the answer…

Underneath it all, you are a delicate soul… Easily hurt, and quick to sadden…

So you wrap your true self up in the armour of japery for fear of being hurt…

One who uses humour to deflect attention from their true self… This perhaps describes you best…

But it cannot last forever…

As you grow older, your jokes will inevitably grow tired…

And one day, no one will be laughing any more…

When that day comes, you will yearn for years gone by…

But it will be too late… That is why you must learn to take things seriously—lest your whole life become a bad joke…"

—? (iOS / Android)

In the Dragon Quest III remakes, clown is a personality that improves agility, wisdom, and luck growth, but reduces resilience growth.

At the start of the game, the hero becomes a clown by receiving the final test of character in the castle. Before leaving the test, the hero must tell the chancellor a king's orders must be obeyed, contradict the first answer and say the orders are not set in stone, contradict the second answer and say orders can't be ignored, and say that the hero is listening.

Other party members have a chance to be a clown when talent scouted at Patty's Party Planning Place, depending on their stat bonuses.

Class / gender Stat bonuses for clown (chance)
Warrior maleWarrior female
  • Agility bonus highest, ≤6, wisdom bonus second (38)
  • Wisdom bonus highest, ≤5 (15)
  • Luck bonus highest, ≤6 (317)
Martial Artist maleMartial Artist female
  • Wisdom bonus highest, ≤5 (15)
  • Luck bonus highest, ≤6 (317)
Mage maleMage femalePriest malePriest female
  • Agility bonus highest, ≤7, wisdom bonus second (14)
Merchant maleMerchant female
  • Strength bonus highest, ≤10, agility bonus second (38)
  • Agility bonus highest, ≤6, wisdom bonus second (38)
Gadabout male
  • Strength bonus highest, ≤10, agility bonus second (38)
  • Agility bonus highest, ≤6, wisdom bonus second (38)
  • Wisdom bonus highest, 6–9 (13)
  • Resilience bonus highest, ≤5, agility, wisdom, or luck bonus second (14)
  • Luck bonus highest, ≤5 (629)
Gadabout female
  • Strength bonus highest, ≤10, agility bonus second (38)
  • Agility bonus highest, ≤6, wisdom bonus second (38)
  • Wisdom bonus highest, 6–9 (413)
  • Resilience bonus highest, ≤5, agility, wisdom, or luck bonus second (15)
  • Luck bonus highest, ≤5 (629)
Thief male
  • Strength bonus highest, ≤10, agility bonus second (38)
  • Resilience bonus highest, ≤5, agility, wisdom, or luck bonus second (14)
Thief female
  • Strength bonus highest, ≤10, agility bonus second (38)
  • Resilience bonus highest, ≤5, agility, wisdom, or luck bonus second (15)

An existing character becomes a clown permanently by reading the Look, No Pants! book, or temporarily while wearing the doh-hican accessory.

Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake[edit]

The clown personality has no influence on strength, no influence on resilience, increases agility by 20%, decreases stamina by 10%, increases wisdom by 10%, and increases luck by 10%. Any character may become a clown by equipping the doh-hican or by reading the Look, No Pants! book.

Vocation / sex Stat bonuses for clown (chance)
Warrior female IIIHD2-D.pngLink=Warrior
  • Agility bonus highest, ≤6, wisdom bonus second (38)
  • Wisdom bonus highest, ≤5 (15)
  • Luck bonus highest, ≤6 (317)
Martial artist female IIIHD2-D.pngLink=Martial Artist
  • Wisdom bonus highest, ≤5 (15)
  • Luck bonus highest, ≤6 (317)
Mage female IIIHD2-D.pngLink=Mage
Priest female IIIHD2D.pngLink=Priest
  • Agility bonus highest, ≤7, wisdom bonus second (14)
Merchant female IIIHD2-D.pngLink=Merchant
  • Strength bonus highest, ≤10, agility bonus second (38)
  • Agility bonus highest, ≤6, wisdom bonus second (38)
Gadabout female IIIHD2-D.pngLink=Gadabout
  • Strength bonus highest, ≤10, agility bonus second (38)
  • Agility bonus highest, ≤6, wisdom bonus second (38)
  • Wisdom bonus highest, 6–9 (13)
  • Stamina bonus highest, ≤5, agility, wisdom, or luck bonus second (14)
  • Luck bonus highest, ≤5 (629)
Monster wrangler female IIIHD2-D.pngLink=Monster Wrangler
Thief female IIIHD2-D.pngLink=Thief
  • Strength bonus highest, ≤10, agility bonus second (38)
  • Stamina bonus highest, ≤5, agility, wisdom, or luck bonus second (14)
