Straight arrow
Straight arrow (しょうじきもの shōjiki-mono, translated as honest in the Game Boy Color version of Dragon Quest III) is a personality in the Dragon Quest III remakes, in Dragon Quest X, and in Dragon Quest: Monster Parade.
Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation[edit]
"Are you familiar with the expression ‘straight arrow’…? It describes you perfectly…
You may not realise it, but you are incapable of lying… Your dishonesty shows instantly on your face…
And you are as impressionable as you are honest, often becoming swept up in events around you…
Fear of failure may make you overcautious at times…
So you must strive to overcome it, and learn to act decisively and boldly…
Do so, and you may find a new self waiting within…"
—? (iOS / Android)
In the Dragon Quest III remakes, straight arrow is a personality that improves wisdom growth, but reduces agility and luck growth.
At the start of the game, the hero becomes a straight arrow by receiving the final test of character in the cave. The hero must follow all the signs, except the hero must push the boulder off the girl instead of exiting.
Other party members have a chance to be a straight arrow when talent scouted at Patty's Party Planning Place, except for gadabouts, depending on their stat bonuses.
An existing character cannot become a straight arrow through items.
Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake[edit]
The straight arrow personality has no influence on strength, resilience, stamina, or wisdom, but it does decrease agility and luck by 10%.