Notso macho (vocation)

The Notso Macho is a beginner monster class in Dragon Quest VII.


The Notso macho gives a moderate boost in strength and drops in all other categories. At rank 8 is grants a strong resistance to whack, sap, paralysis, Drain Magic, and poison, and full immunity to poof, fuddle, and dazzle.

Monster Heart

The Notso macho Heart can be found battling the species in The Tallest Tower in the present and in Hardlypool in the past.

Stat Changes

Statistics Change
Battles to Master 155
Strength +10%
Agility -10%
Resilience -10%
Wisdom -20%
Style -25%
Max HP -10%
Max MP +10%


Level Title
Learns Battles Needed Target Info MP
1 Scabbard-Rattler
Nothing 0
2 First-time Fencer
Gust Slash 14 One Enemy Adds wind damage to one attack 0
3 Struggling Swordsman
Nothing 32
4 Developing Duelist
Midheal 49 One Ally Heals ~80 HP to one ally 4
5 Proficient Parrier
Focus Strength 77 Self User takes one turn. Next turn, physical attack does double damage 0
6 Rugged Riposter
Nothing 103
7 Slice-and-Dicer
Body Slam 123 One Enemy User attacks first with 80 percent power 0
8 Brutal Blade
Double-Edged Slash 155 One Enemy Does 50 percent more damage to one enemy, 25 percent of the damage is reflected to the user 0