
Revision as of 18:59, 12 February 2019 by Antiyonder (talk | contribs)

Stomp damages all enemies with a tremor, hitting for 50~65 woosh-type damage for 0MP. It has a 1/3rd chance to fail regardless of terrain, and will always fail at sea.


Dragon Quest IV

An enemy only skill used by the Drakulard in the bonus dungeon, the Fungeon.

Dragon Quest VI

Stomp is learned by advancing to rank 4 of the Ranger vocation.

Dragon Quest VII

As there is no Ranger vocation in VII, Stomp can only be learned by reaching rank 6 of the Golem vocation and rank 1 of the Paladin in the 3DS remake.

Dragon Quest IX

A handful of enemies will throw their weight around in IX, dealing any were from 15~19 damage to 90~108 damage. Naturally, the obese Drakulord hits heaviest with the skill. Stomp's element has switched from wind to earth as well. This marks the first time the skill has not done 50~65 damage.