Darting dagger

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The Darting dagger is a recurring weapon in the Dragon Quest series. It is the direct upgrade to the Deft dagger in every game it is in.

Darting dagger
Darting Dagger.png
Japanese ミリオンダガー
Romaji Mirion daga
Old localizations None
Found in Dragon Quest IX,
Dragon Quest X
Dragon Quest XI
Effect Varies


Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry SkiesEdit

 Darting dagger
Rarity ★★★★☆
Attack +140
Equipable by Mages, Thieves, Warriors, Omnivocational master
Recipe Deft dagger x 1, Agate of evolution x 1, Purple orb x 1
Buy Price N/A
Sell Price 24,000
Flavor text A legendary knife that imparts unbeatable briskness.
Notes User will always go first with regular attacks

If multiple characters are using the dagger, then the regular turn-order algorithm is used for those with copies, with the most agile going first as expected.

Dragon Quest XEdit

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive AgeEdit

Darting dagger  
A well-known knife with which its easy to make a surprising first strike on the enemy
Stats with forge buffs
Attack +111
Evasion +1%
+3% chance to catch enemy by surprise
Price Location
N/A Fun-Size Forge
Forging difficulty
Deft dagger x1, agate of evolution x1, slipweed x1, gold nugget x1

The Fun-Size Forge recipe guide for the dirk is A Hero's Book of Basic Weapons, which is found in a treasure chest in the Tower of Lost Time.

See alsoEdit