
Musclehead is a monster talent that focuses on techniques that keep the body limber, rejuvenating strained sarcomeres, and channeling adrenaline for decisive blows.


Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark PrinceEdit

Fizzy's shop sells a scroll teaching the talent on Thursdays for 9,000 gold. Musclehead is naturally learned by buffalogres, gnuriels, and living statues

Ability Description Talent Points
Heart Breaker Normal physical damage that attempts to stun the target for 1 turn 3
Sandstorm Attempts to blind all enemies for 2~5 turns 10
Dodgy Dance Doubles evasion for 4~7 turns
Stacks with the Ace Evader, Artful Dodger, Evasive Impulse, & Supreme Sidestepper traits
Seethe Increases the power of the next physical attack by 50% and makes it difficult to dodge 30
Attack +16 Increases attack by sixteen points 50
Intense Defence Reduces all types of damage by 90% for 1 turn
Can only be used once per enemy in battle
Knuckle Sandwich 60% physical damage to one foe after charging for one turn, ignores defence entirely
Damage is still affect by the Metal Skin trait
Selflessness User takes the hit(s) for the party for 1 turn
All damage taken is increased by 25% for that turn
HP +36 Increases max HP by thirty six points 120
Meditation Restores 300~400 HP to the user 150