Thunderbolt blade

The thunderbolt blade is a recurring sword in Dragon Quest series. It is a very powerful sword and can be used as a tool in battle to call thunder and lightning.

Thunderbolt blade
DQII thunderbolt blade.png
Japanese いなずまのけん
Romaji Inazuma no ken
Old localizations Thunder sword
Lightning sword
Found in Dragon Quest II
Dragon Quest III
Dragon Quest Swords
Dragon Quest Heroes
Dragon Quest Heroes II
Dragon Quest Builders 2
Dragon Quest of the Stars
Dragon Quest Rivals
Effect Casts Woosh or Boom when used as a tool in battle.


The thunderbolt blade has a curved orange blade much like a scimitar but with a jagged shape meant to evoke the shape of lightning. The entire blade is covered with a golden filigree and the hilt is blue with a golden pommel and a red jewel on its crossguard. The blade also has a white section in the center of its blade which is tapered on both ends and inscribed with runes, as well as a black circle surrounded by triangles closer to the hilt. When the sword is swung in battle, it is accompanied by lightning.


Dragon Quest II: Luminaries of the Legendary LineEdit

A sword within whose blade thunder rumbles restlessly.[1]

The thunderbolt blade has an attack bonus of +95 (+80 in the NES version) and it was found in the Cave to Rendarak and served as the Prince of Midenhall's most powerful weapon. It can be sold for a measly 375 gold, but it is not recommended to do so. In addition to melee attacks, the sword could be used during combat as an item which would have the effect of casting Woosh, but with a visual effect of lightning. In various spinoffs, the thunderbolt blade has often appeared as the signature weapon of the Prince of Midenhall.

Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of SalvationEdit

The thunderbolt blade has an attack bonus of +82 (+85 in the NES version) and can be found in the Cave of the Necrogond. It can be equipped Hero and Warriors, as well as Thieves in the Super Famicom version due to a bug. When used as a tool in battle, it has the same effect as the Boom spell.

Dragon Quest III HD-2D RemakeEdit

  Thunderbolt blade  
Unleashes booming blasts on all enemies when used as an item in battle
Stats Vocations
Attack +90   
Casts Boom when used as an item
Price Location
NA/ 5,625 Mt. Necrogond

Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of MirrorsEdit

The weapon increases attack by +65 and is made by tempering the Lightning Blade with 5 Monsterbone, 4 Iron Ore, and 2 Thunderball for 3,200 at Castle Avalonia. This sword also teaches the hero the Thunder Thrust Master Stroke. It can be tempered into a Wrath of Zeus.

Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woe and the Blight BelowEdit

A fierce, forked blade that flashes like lightning.[2]

The thunderbolt blade has an attack bonus of +109 and can only be equipped by Terry. It can be purchased for 33,000 gold and sold for 16,500 gold.

Dragon Quest Heroes II: Twin Kings and the Prophecy's EndEdit

Dragon Quest Builders 2Edit

Dragon Quest TreasuresEdit

The thunderbolt blade is Treasure No. 23 in the Legendary Weapons category, and has a base value of 12,500,000.

Dragon Quest RivalsEdit

Related weaponsEdit

The Thunderbolt blade is one of three similarly-named swords themed around lightning. The other two are:



  1. Mobile, Android and iOS version
  2. Sony PlayStation 4 and Steam version