Hex hellmet

From Dragon Quest Wiki
(Redirected from Hex helmet)

The Hex hellmet is a monster from Dragon Quest V. It is a sentient, demonic helmet.


Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride[edit]

Hex hellmet DQV Logo.png
Sprite HP MP Attack Defense
Hexhellmet DQV SNES.gif 70 0 90 90
Agility Experience Gold Tame Rate
72 210 40 N/A
Bestiary No. 108
Spell(s) None
Skill(s) Curses character.
Location(s) Gotha area
Riteof Passage
Knightmare Towers
Item dropped Iron helmet132
Evasion Frizz resistance * Sizz resistance * Fire Breath resistance *
0/64 67% 67% 67%
Bang resistance * Crack resistance * Ice Breath resistance * Woosh resistance *
67% 100% 100% 67%
Zap resistance * Drain Magic resistance * Whack resistance * Kamikazee resistance *
20% 100% 67% 0%
Poof resistance Dazzle resistance * Fizzle resistance Fuddle resistance
20% 20% 100% 67%
Poison resistance * Snooze resistance * Stun resistance * Sap resistance *
100% 67% 0% 0%
PS2 model DS & Mobile sprite
Hexhellmet DQV PS2.png Hex hellmet.png


A hex is normally a form of curse, which the monster is capably of casting. The term helmet is actually spelled with only one 'L', the additional 'L' possibly added to indicate a hellishness in the monster, if not simply being a typo.


Related monster[edit]