
From Dragon Quest Wiki

Scrimsley is a town found in Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation.


ICON-ITEM-SHOP.png Item Shop 
ICON-WEAPON-SHOP.png Weapon Shop 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Stone fangs.png Stone fangs240Attack +12/Style +3
ICON-Iron claw.png Iron claw700Attack +21/Style +15
ICON-Edged boomerang.png Edged boomerang1,500Attack +25/Style +19
ICON-Steel fangs.png Steel fangs2,000Attack +35/Style +8
ICON-Steel broadsword.png Steel broadsword2,000Attack +33/Style +16
ICON-Cautery sword.png Cautery sword4,400Attack +42/Style +23
ICON-ARMOUR-SHOP.png Armour Shop 
Item Price Attributes
ICON-Fur cape.png Fur cape550Defense +18/Style +18
ICON-Full plate armour.png Full plate armour2,300Defense +30/Style +27
ICON-Cloak of evasion.png Cloak of evasion3,000Defense +28/Style +11
ICON-Iron shield.png Iron shield720Defense +16/Style +12
ICON-Shellmet.png Shellmet250Defense +7/Style +3
ICON-Iron helmet.png Iron helmet1,100Defense +16/Style +15


Price per person
15 gold coins



Nearby monsters[edit]

Vocation Level Cap[edit]

Party members can Grind to increase their vocation as long as they are at the specified level or lower.

Nintendo DS version Cell phone version
22 32

Map & Gallery[edit]