Mt. Snowhere

Revision as of 16:33, 4 July 2015 by Antiyonder (talk | contribs)

Mt. Snowhere is a town in Dragon Quest VI. The priest Ali Kazam has taken residence here and will provide The Hero and party the Turnscote pendant after they retrieve the Rusted sword.


Weapon Shop
Item Price Attributes
Steel fangs 2,000 Attack +35/Style +8
Spiked steel whip 7,400 Attack +65/Style +22
Dream blade 6,300 Attack +65/Style +28
Saw blade 9,800 Attack +54/Style -2
War hammer 12,000 Attack +64/Style +19
Heavy armour 5,000 Defense +50/Style -30
Item Shop
Item Price Attributes
Medicinal herb 8
Antidotal herb 10
Holy water 20
Chimaera wing 25


Price per person
25 Gold Coins

Prior to the town defrosting, a soldier charges The Hero and party 175 coins for rest.

Other treasures

Nearby monsters
