Zahan is an isolated fishing village located on a small island in southeastern Torland in Dragon Quest II: Luminaries of the Legendary Line.

It is the very first island town in the series, as well as the first tropical location. Two important treasures are on the island, being the Golden Key and the Subtle Shuttle.


Dragon Quest II: Luminaries of the Legendary LineEdit

Zahan is located in the southeastern most corner of the world map. It is east of Burrowell and northwest of Rippleport. It is nearly adjacent to the Shrine West of Zahan, which players can enter immediately after taking control and exploring Middenhall.

Zahan is a required location in order to retrieve the Golden Key, which is a critical item from completing the game. The town is populated almost entirely by women and small children as many of their husbands and fathers are participating in a seasonal fishing voyage. The Golden Key was owned and hidden by a fisherman in Zahan who died on a fishing voyage. However, his dog knows the location of the key and pulls the Luminaries to where it is located after they speak to him. Searching in the specific tile yields the key. The mythical shuttle is also located in Zahan within the shrine to Rubiss. In order to retrieve it, the heroes must possess the Jailor's Key.

Shop & servicesEdit

  Item Shop 
Item Price Attributes
  Medicinal herb15Heals a small amount of HP
  Antidotal herb8Cures poison
  Holy water40Repels monsters
  Banishing bell640Protects against non-damaging spells

Nearby monstersEdit


  • The men of the village being gone for long stretches of time in order to retrieve fish for the village may have been the inspiration for the annual fishing voyage of Pilchard Bay.
  • Zahan is the first instance of a town being occupied almost exclusively by women in the series, a theme used more prominently in Femiscyra.
