Bad axe

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Revision as of 18:16, 3 April 2020 by WolfBloodSpam (talk | contribs)
Bad axe
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Japanese グレートアックス
Romaji {{{romaji}}}
Old localizations N/A
Found in Dragon Quest IX
Dragon Quest XI
Effect Decreases Tension from a target. (DQIX)
Reduces a enemy's chance to attack. (DQXI)

The Bad axe is a recurring weapon in the Dragon Quest series. It can be evolved all the way up to the Galaxy axe.


Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies

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 Bad axe  (DS)
Attack +146
Rarity ★★★★☆
Found 1% drop in Rank 10 Grotto chests.
Recipe: Climaxe x1 + Reset stone x1
Equipable by Gladiators, Rangers, Omnivocational Axemaster
Buy Price N/A
Sell Price 20,000
Flavor text A tip-top tomahawk that takes tension from its target.

Upgrades into the Maxi axe by mixing with one Agate of evolution and one Purple orb.

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age

The Bad axe has an Attack bonus of +106, a maximum MP boost of +10 and a Charm bonus of +27. These bonuses cannot be upgraded. It also has an 8% chance to cause an enemy not to attack on their turn. It is found in a chest on the 7th floor of The Battleground.