Walking Disaster

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Revision as of 18:00, 23 September 2024 by Follower of Light (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Spell Infobox |title = Walking Disaster |image = |japanese = {{tt|ディザスター|Disaster}} |romaji = Deizasuta |old =None |type = Talent }} '''Walking Disaster''' is a talent in {{DQM3}} that teaches monsters how to conjure for a cornucopia of calamity in the form of natural disasters. ==Appearances== ==={{DQM3}}=== This talent is naturally learned by rabid rectors, silver serpents, and tentaculars. <center> {| class="wikitable" |+ '''Walking Disaster...")
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Walking Disaster is a talent in Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince that teaches monsters how to conjure for a cornucopia of calamity in the form of natural disasters.


Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince[edit]

This talent is naturally learned by rabid rectors, silver serpents, and tentaculars.

Walking Disaster
Ability Description Talent Points
Thin Air Deals (Level x 0.8) + 40 Wind damage to all enemies 10
Starfall Deals (Level x 0.8) + 40 Light damage to all enemies 20
Tidal Wave Deals (Level x 1.5) + 150 Water damage to all enemies 30
Boulder Toss Deals Level + 120 Earth damage to all foes 50
Lightning Storm Deals (Level x 1.5) + 150 Lightning damage to all enemies 75
Kacraggle Deals an average of 760 damage to all enemies at 3,999 wisdom
Activates on next turn after casting
Big Banga Deals (Level x 1.5) + 150 Explosion damage to all enemies 150
Bad Hand Deals (Level x 1.5) + 150 Darkness damage to all enemies 200


The abilities taught by the talent match the disasters found in the real world:

  • Thin Air represents tornadoes
  • Starfall represents meteor impacts
  • Tidal Wave represents tsunamis and floods
  • Boulder Toss Represents rock slides
  • Lightning Storm represents freak lightning outbreaks
  • Kacraggle represents earthquakes
  • Big Banga represents sudden explosions
  • Bad Hand stands in for the concept of terrible luck in general