Claw hammer

From Dragon Quest Wiki

The Claw hammer is a monster that appears in Dragon Quest IX. It is an unusual shark monster with sickle-shaped arms and countless centipede legs.


Claw hammers have the appearance of hammerhead sharks with purple skin and front-facing eyes, sickle-like limbs jutting out from their sides. They crawl about on countless legs like those of a centipede. The sharks are able to sweep opponents' legs from their low position and then move in for the kill.


Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies[edit]

Claw hammer (ヘルマリーン Herumarīn)DQIX Logo.png
Model HP MP Attack
Clawhammer DQIX DS.png 98 9 108
Defence Agility Experience Gold
90 90 432 126
Bestiary no. #091
Family Aquatic & Floating
In-game description Giant sharks that topple enemies with Trip of a Deathtime, then hit them when they're down. Strong against ice magic.

Their cruel claws have scuppered so many ships that sailors are more scared of them than they are of storms.
Spell(s) None
Skill(s) Trip of a Deathtime
Location(s) Lonely Coast
Grotto (Water, rank 1)
Item(s) dropped Magic beast horn116
Tough guy tattoo1128
Fire Resistance * Ice
Wind Resistance * Blast/Lightning Resistance *
-25% 50% 0% -100%
Earth Resistance * Dark Resistance * Light Resistance * Drain Magic Resistance
0% 0% 0% 0%
Whack Resistance * Dazzle Resistance * Fizzle Resistance * Fuddle Resistance *
25% 0% 100% 0%
Paralysis Resistance * Poison Resistance * Snooze Resistance * Stun Resistance *
25% 50% 100% 50%
Blunt Resistance * Deceleratle Resistance * Sap Resistance * Spooky Aura Resistance*
25% 25% 25% 0%
Charm Resistance *

In Other Languages[edit]

Language Translation Meaning
ICON-FLAG-ES.png EspañolMartillo con garrasSpanish for "hammer with claws".
ICON-FLAG-FR.png FrançaisVilerequin pèlerinFrench for "basking vile shark".
ICON-FLAG-DE.png DeutschKlauenhammerGerman for "claw hammer".
ICON-FLAG-IT.png ItalianoPinzDerived from the Italian pinza, which can refer to the front claws of crustaceans such as lobsters.

Similar species[edit]