Criminal Genius

From Dragon Quest Wiki

Criminal Genius is an ability that appears exclusively in Dragon Quest Tact and is Erik's Coup de Grâce. When used, he focuses himself and creates a pair of shadow clones to empower the next skill or attack he performs.


Dragon Quest Tact[edit]

Criminal Genius can be learned by Erik at level 72 and costs 48 MP to use. When used, it triples his physical potency and recovery for one turn. Since it is a Coup de Grâce, it takes two turns to charge and can only be used one time per battle. Upgrading the skill reduces the amount of MP it costs to use.

Criminal Genius (かみわざ Kamiwaza)Tactlogo.png
Ability information
Criminal Genius
Role * Type * Element MP cost
Support Martial DQTact Non-elemental.png 48
Times usable: 1
Range Additional effects
DQTact Range1.png
DQTact PhysicalEffectUp.png
Physical Potency/Recovery Up
Grants the user x3 physical potency/recovery for 1 turn
Turns needed: 2
Naturally learnt by

Related skills[edit]


In the original Japanese, Criminal Genius (かみわざ, Kamiwaza) shares a name with the Guile skill set in Erik's character builder. Translated literally, it can mean "divine act" or "godlike technique" and can refer to a feat or task that is performed beyond ordinary human capabilities, such as in sports.