Crusader armour

From Dragon Quest Wiki
Crusader armour
AHB Crusader Armour Top.png
Japanese 神兵の鎧
Romaji Shinpei no yoroi
Old localizations N/a
Found in Dragon Quest X
Dragon Quest of the Stars
Dragon Quest: Scan Battlers
Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai: A Hero's Bonds
Effect Reduces light and dark damage. (X only)
Has a chance to lower the target's Thrust Resistance when attacking with skills. (AHB only)

The crusader armour is a recurring set of heavy armour in the Dragon Quest series. It is a set of armour fit for a holy warrior that is adorned with a pair of angel wings.


Dragon Quest X[edit]

Crusader armour is a set of heavy armour that can be equipped by Warriors, Paladins, Demon Swordsmen, and Armamentalists if they have allocated enough points into their Fource skill. The set consists of a torso piece, a lower body piece, a helmet, gauntlets, and boots and has an equipment level of 70. Equipping all five pieces reduces damage taken from light and dark-element attacks by 10%. Each piece can be crafted with armoursmithing.

The Hero can be seen wearing the crusader armour in the opening for Version 3.0 of the game.

Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai: A Hero's Bonds[edit]

The crusader armour is a 4★ set of armour that can be equipped by Hero and Warrior characters. It is divided into a torso piece and a leg piece. Each has a small chance to temporarily lower the target's Thrust Resistance when a skill or special move hits. Both pieces of armour can be acquired from limited Treasure Hunts or by exchanging Armour Exchange Tickets.
