Eagle Grip

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Eagle Grip is a recurring attack in the Dragon Quest series. It has appeared as an enemy-only attack in various games where the monster violently grabs a character with their claws or talons, dealing 125% damage. Some bosses have a variation where they grab a character and slam them down into the ground.


Dragon Quest IV

In remake versions of the game, Aamon can use a crushing attack on a single character. The damage is calculated by Aamon's attack divided by 2 plus a bonus 150 damage.

Dragon Quest V

Eagle Grip makes its first appearance and can be used by Drag-goofs, Great dragons, and Black dragons. It deals 125% damage to a character.

Dragon Quest VI

Eagle Grip can be used by Corpsickles, Deadly dodos, Gryphons, and Jamirus. It deals 125% damage to a single character.

  • When Mortamor changes to his final form, he can use a talon slamming attack with his left and right claws. It deals a fixed 100 damage in the original Super Famicom version, but deals 150 damage in remake versions of the game.

Dragon Quest VII

Eagle Grip can be used by Corpse corporal, Weighvern, Wide-load weighvern, and Warlord weighvern.

  • In the second boss battle against Orgodemir, he can use a slamming attack in his third form. The damage is calculated by his attack divided by 2 plus 150 damage.

Dragon Quest VIII

Eagle Grip can be used by various monsters, including Garuda, Hades' Condor, Dark condor, Gryphon, Jamirus, Empyrea, and Gemon. It deals 125% damage to a single character.

  • The Divine dragon can use an attack where he sinks his talons into a character and slams them into the ground. The damage is calculated by his attack divided by 2 plus a bonus 150 damage.

Dragon Quest IX

When faced as a legacy boss, Mortamor can use the slamming attack with his Left and Right Claws. When used it is described as "a slap round the chops" and deals 150% damage to a single character.

Dragon Quest Tact

Eagle Grip is known naturally by Bloody hand and Gryphon at level 1 and can be learned by Muddy hand at level 16. It costs 12 MP to use, deals minor martial damage to a single enemy and can occasionally stun them. Eagle Grip can also be taught to any unit by using an ability scroll, which is received as a reward for completing the seventh stage of Dancing flame's Battle Road.