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Gigacross is a recurring skill in the Dragon Quest series. It is a sword technique that combines the power of two Gigaslashes to unleash a powerful X-shaped Lightning-infused slash.


Dragon Quest XEdit

Giga Crosscut appears as an enemy-only skill used by Goresby-Purrvis when faced as a boss, used when his HP is at 50% or less. It inflicts about 390~420 light-elemental damage twice in a 180-degree angle in front of him. When his damage is boosted, the range increases to 450~480.

Dragon Quest Monsters 2Edit

Known as GigaBreak in this game, it is a special co-op skill appearing in the Cobi's Journey version of the game that can be used when two monsters use Gigaslash in the same turn. It inflicts around 500 to 700 damage to all enemies.

Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2 ProfessionalEdit

Gigacross inflicts massive Zap and Bang-element slashing damage to all enemies dependent on the user's level and uses all of their MP. It can be learned from various skill sets.

Dragon Quest Monsters: Terry's Wonderland 3DEdit

Gigacross reappears in this game, although it now costs a flat cost of 100 MP rather than draining all of the user's MP.

Dragon Quest Monsters 2: Iru and Luca's Marvelous Mysterious KeyEdit

Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 3Edit

Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark PrinceEdit

Gigacross costs 80 MP and damages all enemies twice over, with the calculation being (Level/2) + 70~110; this means that at level 99 each slash has a range of 115~155. Gigacross is learned through the Hair Splitter, Lord of the Dragovians, Nokturnus, and Überkilling Machine

Dragon Quest Heroes & Dragon Quest Heroes IIEdit

Although the skill's name is never stated, Gigacross appears in the ending of both games. Both pairs of main heroes perform their Coups de Grâce at the same time and send an X-shaped blade of light at the final boss in order to defeat them.

Dragon Quest Monsters: Super LightEdit

Dragon Quest TactEdit

Giga Crosscut can be learned by Hero Erdrick at level 82 and costs 120 MP to use. It has a range of three squares away from him in any direction and inflicts 300% potency Zap-type physical damage to all enemies in a range of five squares diagonally, then inflicts 300% potency Zap-type physical damage again to all enemies in the five diagonal squares in the opposite direction. Since it is a Coup de Grâce, it takes 3 turns to charge and can only be used twice per battle. Upgrading the skill increases its damage and reduces the amount of MP it costs to use.

Giga Crosscut (ギガクロスブレイク Gigakurosubureiku) 
Ability information
Giga Crosscut
Role * Type * Element MP cost
Attack Physical   120
Times usable: 2
Range Additional effects
Deals Zap-type physical damage (300% potency) to all enemies in purple area, deals Zap-type physical damage (300% potency) to all enemies in orange area
Turns needed: 3
Naturally learnt by
Hero Erdrick

Related skillsEdit