Cower ring

The cower ring is a recurring accessory in the Dragon Quest series that first appeared in remake versions of Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation.

Cower ring
DQW Cower Ring.png
Japanese にげにげリング
Romaji Nige nige ringu
Old localizations Flee ring
Found in Dragon Quest III
Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake
Dragon Quest Walk
Effect Cursed. Changes wearer's Personality. (III only)
Increases damage caused by Crag spells. (Walk only)

Its name is a play on the word "cowering".


Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of SalvationEdit

The cower ring has an Agility bonus of +7, changes the wearer's Personality to Wimp, and is a Cursed piece of equipment. One can be found in the Cloudsgate Citadel and others can be found randomly while playing Treasures n' Trapdoors. It can be sold for 75 gold coin. In the Cell phone, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch versions, there is only one in the game. Despite its status as a Cursed piece of equipment, its only detrimental effects are forcing the wearer's Personality to change and its inability to be removed.

Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake=Edit

  Cower ring  
A cursed accessory that will have the wearer feeling like a big wimp soon enough
Stats Vocations
Agility +12            
Price Location
NA/75 Found in:
Ghost Ship 1F
Craggy Cave 2F
Cloudsgate Citadel
Dropped by:
Robbin''Ood 1/256

Dragon Quest WalkEdit

The cower ring is a four-star accessory that has an Agility bonus of +20 and increases damage caused by the Rubblerouser family of spells by 5%. It first appeared during the game's limited Dragon Quest III event and could be acquired by defeating Robbin' 'Ood.