Wheel of Fortune

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Wheel of Fortune is a special move that appears exclusively in Dragon Quest Tact and is Meena's Coup de Grâce. When used, she surrounds herself in a ring of Tarot Cards and draws the card of the same name from her deck and unleashes its power to not only heal and protect her but to release the true power of her other cards too.


Dragon Quest Tact[edit]

Wheel of Fortune can be learned by Meena at level 80 and costs 116 MP to use. When used, it heals a major amount of her HP, grants her a full damage shield for one hit only and swaps her skill set so she can use True Strength, The True Fool and The True Devil for 3 turns. Since it is a Coup de Grâce, it takes 2 turns to charge and can only be used once per battle. Upgrading the ability increases its heath recovery and reduces the amount of MP it costs to use.

Wheel of Fortune (運命の輪 Unmei no wa)Tactlogo.png
Ability information
Wheel of Fortune
Role * Type * Element MP cost
Support Martial DQTact Non-elemental.png
Times usable: 1
Range Additional effects
DQTact Range1.png
DQTact ModeChange.png / DQTact DamageNullify.png
Wheel of Fortune / Damage Nullify Barrier
Heals a major amount of HP for the user, nullifies damage 1 time for 99 turns, unleashes the true power of Strength/The Fool/The Devil for 3 turns.
Turns needed: 2
Naturally learnt by