Feralball (Recruit)

The Feralball can join the party in the original version of Dragon Quest VI. It is one of the easiest monsters to recruit, requiring the player to reack rank 1 of the Monster Master.

Names: Mokomon, Coco, Yoko, Fut


Attribute Starting Stats Maximum Stats
Level 1 99
HP 10 550
MP 0 300
Strength 7 330
Agility 4 150
Resilience 8 150
Wisdom 3 130
Style 20 120
Recruit rate 1/8 -> 1/128 -> 1/256
Initial gear None

Flame breath 0%
Ice breath 0%
Frizz 0%
Sizz 0%
Bang 0%
Woosh 0%
Crack 0%
Zap 0%
Strike/Rock 0%
Troop 0%
Death 0%
Kamikazee 0%
Paralysis 0%
Poof 80%
Dazzle 0%
Snooze 0%
Drain Magic 100%
Fizzle 100%
Fuddle 0%
Sap 0%
Poison 0%
Ban Dance 100%
Stun 0%


Name MP Level Target Description
Stone's Throw 0 7 One group Hurl rocks at a single group of enemies
Sizz 4 10 One group Singes a group of enemies with a blazing fire
Snooze 3 15 One group Puts a group of enemies to sleep
Sizzle 6 18 One group Burns a group of enemies with a blazing wall of fire
Bounce 4 20 Self Forms a protective barrier that reflects all spells
Absorb magic 2 25 Self Absorbs the MP of an incoming spell
Kasizzle 10 30 One group Scorches a group of enemies with blazing hellfire


Dragon Quest VI (All) 
Weapon Modifier(s)
Bone Stake Attack +6
Giant Mallet Attack +10
Stone Fangs Attack +12
Boomerang Attack +15
Iron Claw Attack +21
Poison Moth Knife Attack +24
Edged Boomerang Attack +25
Sledgehammer Attack +30
Steel Fangs Attack +35
Falcon Knife Earring Attack+35
Battleaxe Attack+49
Fire Claw Attack +53
Saw Blade Attack +54
Icicle Dirk Attack +62
War Hammer Attack +64
Flametang Boomerang Attack +65
Ferocious Fangs Attack +73
Cobra Claw Attack +90
Sunderbolt Blade Attack +95
Hela's Hammer Attack +115
Metal King Sword Attack +130
Orichalcum Fangs Attack +135