Dangerous bustier

From Dragon Quest Wiki
Revision as of 12:01, 23 July 2016 by (talk)

The Dangerous Bustier is a special "armour" piece in the Dragon Quest franchise. It provides almost no protection, but can be upgraded into more effective bustiers via alchemy.


Jessica in the Dangerous Bustier

Dragon Quest VIII

The dangerous bustier only has a defence bonus of +1, but changes Jessica's appearance. Obtained after trading 99 medals to Princess Minnie, with another one being found in the Heavenly Dais.

It is a required component of the divine bustier along with the shimmering dress or it can be sold for 2,900 Gold Coins.

Dragon Quest IX

Desc: A barely believable bodice that you'd be brave to look at.
Defence: 1
Rarity: 2 stars
Recipe: Divine Bustier x1 + Reset Stone x1
   Buy: N/A
  Sell: 5900 gold
Equipable Classes:DQ9 Warrior Icon.pngPriest Icon.pngMage Icon.pngMartial Artist Icon.pngThief Icon.pngMinstrel Icon.png
DQ9GladiatorIcon.pngDQ9SageIcon.pngDQ9ArmamentalistIcon.pngDQ9PaladinIcon.pngDQ9Ranger.pngLuminary (Female Only)

The dangerous bustier can be found in grotto chest (Rank E). It upgrades into a silk bustier, which then can be upgraded into a divine bustier


  • You'll understand where the danger comes from when Jessica wears it. Rrrrrow! (Description when selecting the Dangerous bustier in PS2 Dragon Quest VIII.)