Wiz pip

Revision as of 17:35, 9 October 2019 by Aphelion (talk | contribs)

The Wiz pip is a recurring monster in the Dragon Quest series, introduced in Dragon Quest VII. It is a tiny faerie magician.


Wicked little pitiful pixies that wield magic with the aid of a shiny star tipped wand. Dressed in a funny little cape and hat constructed of blue leaves, these wee beasts are actually much more accurate than their less skilled allies, with their magic power allowing them to cast the chilling Crack and firey Frizz spells and even lower the defence of foes with Sap in order to help their cohorts out. Some say that the only way they can cast spells at all is with the aid of their wicked wands.


Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride

Wiz pip (コロマージ Koromāji) 
Sprite HP MP Attack Defense
32 19 22 27
Agility Experience Gold Tame Rate
23 23 18 1/16
Bestiary No. 198
Spell(s) Crack
Kaboom (fails)
Skill(s) None
Location(s) Faerie Lea
Item dropped T'n'T ticket116
Evasion Frizz resistance * Sizz resistance * Fire Breath resistance *
1/64 0% 0% 0%
Bang resistance * Crack resistance * Ice Breath resistance * Woosh resistance *
0% 0% 0% 0%
Zap resistance * Drain Magic resistance * Whack resistance * Kamikazee resistance *
0% 67% 20% 0%
Poof resistance Poison resistance * Fuddle resistance Snooze resistance *
100% 0% 20% 20%
Dazzle resistance * Sap resistance * Fizzle resistance Stun resistance *
0% 0% 20% 67%
PS2 model DS & Mobile sprite

Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past

Wiz pip (コロマージ Koromāji)  
Sprite HP MP Attack Defense
  32 19 22 27
Agility Experience Gold Tame Rate
23 23 (PS1)
35 (3DS)
18 (PS1)
27 (3DS)
Bestiary No. 214
Spell(s) Crack
Kaboom (fails)
Skill(s) None
Location(s) Alltrades Abbey
Item(s) Dropped Tangleweb164
Evasion Frizz Resistance * Sizz Resistance * Fire Breath Resistance *
164 0% 0% 0%
Bang Resistance * Crack Resistance * Ice Breath Resistance * Woosh Resistance *
0% 0% 0% 0%
Strike/Rock Resistance * Zap Resistance * Drain Magic Resistance * Whack Resistance *
0% 0% 50% 15%
Poof Resistance * Poison Resistance * Burning Breath Resistance Fuddle Resistance *
100% 0% 50% 15%
Snooze Resistance * Dazzle Resistance * Fizzle Resistance * Ban Dance Resistance
15% 0% 15% 100%
Stun Resistance * Sap Resistance * Army Resistance *
0% 0% 0%
3DS version changes

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