
Revision as of 15:41, 20 February 2017 by Aphelion (talk | contribs)

The glombolero, also known as the mysterious bolero or simply bolero, is a recurring robe in the Dragon Quest series. It has a 33% chance to absorb half the MP from incoming spells in nearly every appearance.


Dragon Quest III

The glombolero is found in the bonus dungeons of the remakes, nearby the lair of the Super Boss. It may be equipped by all vocations, providing +30 defence and reducing the cost of spells by 50%, rounded up. This feature stacks with the effects of the Mad Cap for a 75% reduction.

Dragon Quest IV

The glombolero has a defence bonus of +47 (+37 in the NES Version). It is found in the Stairway to Zenithia and can be worn by Borya, Kiryl, Maya, and Meena.

Dragon Quest V

The glombolero has a defence bonus of +37. Bianca, Nera, and the Hero's Daughter can equip it.

Dragon Quest VI

The Hero, Milly, Ashlynn, Nevan, and the slime buddies can equip the Glombolero for +40 defence and -50 style. It is the reward for giving King Medford 80 mini medals.

Dragon Quest VII

Everyone but Prince Kiefer can equip the glombolero, and it features the same parameters as before. It is received from turning in 95 mini medals to the Medal King.

  • The glitzy glombolero, introduced in the 3DS remake, has a 50% chance to absorb 100% of the MP from an enemy spell. It increases defence by +50 and style by +3.

Dragon Quest IX

   Glombolero  (DS)
Defence +20
Magical Might +16
Found 1% chance in Rank 4 chests
Rarity ★★☆☆☆
Equipable by All Vocations
Buy Price N/a
Sell Price 3,300
Flavor text Curious clothing that absorbs the power of magic cast on it.
Notes Absorbs MP from spells cast on the wearer.
Received as a reward from completing Quest #42.
