List of quests in Dragon Quest IX: 1-50

From Dragon Quest Wiki

This is a list of quests 1-50 in Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies.

See also:

Quest #1 - "One Good Turn"
Location Angel Falls, center of town.
Availability After defeating Hexagoon.
Requested by Questelle
Fulfilled to Questelle
Item Required Tangleweb
Reward Sleeping hibiscus
Detail You've been asked by a girl called Questelle in Angel Falls to go and find a Tangleweb. Try investigating the big spider's web on the other side of the river just outside the village. Keep your eyes peeled for something twinkly...
Hint for solution Tangleweb can be found on the ground to the southwest of the village.
Repeatable yes
Quest #2 - "Pleased as Punch"
Location Stornway church
Availability Upon arriving in Stornway.
Requested by Ricki
Fulfilled to Ricki
Reward Pirouette (Party trick)
Detail A girl named Ricki in the church in Stornway wants you to egg her on with an Air Punch.
Hint for solution You can assign Party tricks by using the Misc. menu.
Repeatable no
Quest #3 - "We Like to Party"
Location Stornway church
Availability After completing Quest #2 and accepting King Schott's request to go to Loch Storn to slay the Wight Knight.
Requested by Ricki
Fulfilled to Ricki
Reward Pray (Party trick)
Detail Ricki in the church in Stornway has asked you to egg her on with another Party trick.
Hint for solution You can assign a combination of four Party tricks to be used right after another by using the Down party trick slot.
Repeatable no
Quest #4 - "Pick Me Up a Panacea"
Location Stornway plaza
Availability After defeating Morag.
Alchemy enabled.
Requested by Bill
Fulfilled to Bill
Item Required Panacea
Reward Gleeban guinea and recipes for the following: Strength ring, Slime earrings, Bow tie, Agility ring, Prayer ring, and Life ring.
Detail Bill, a scholar from Stornway, wants you to make him some panacea. Apparently you can make it using alchemy.
Hint for solution To complete this quest, you need to collect 7 Medicinal herbs and 1 Moonwort bulb.

First go to Quester's Rest and talk to Krak Pot, use alchemy to:

Give the panacea to Bill to complete the quest.

Repeatable no
Quest #5 - "Herb'list"
Location Northwestern tower of Stornway Castle.
Availability Upon arriving at Stornway Castle.
Requested by Angus
Fulfilled to Angus
Item Required Medicinal herb, Antidotal herb, Moonwort bulb
Reward Gleeban groat
Detail A soldier called Angus has asked you to bring him one each of the following: a Medical herb, an Antidotal herb and a Moonwort bulb. He can be found upstairs in Stornway Castle.
Hint for solution The Medicinal herb and Antidotal herb can be bought in Stornway, and the Moonwort bulb can be bought in Zere.
Repeatable no
Quest #6 - "Get Well Water"
Location Northwestern tower of Stornway Castle.
Availability After finishing Quest #5 and defeating Wight Knight.
Requested by Angus
Fulfilled to Angus
Item Required Fresh water
Reward Seed of life
Detail Angus, the soldier who can be found upstairs in Stornway Castle, has asked you to bring him a remedy from Angel Falls that's supposed to be good for curing headaches.
  • You've agreed to look for a remedy that Angus in Stornway Castle needs. According to the man in front of the waterfall at Angel Falls, you'll need to find some Fresh water if you want him to make the necessary medicine.
Hint for solution After receiving this quest, go to Angel Falls and talk to the man on the bridge in front of the waterfall, then he will tell you that he needs some fresh water to dilute the water from Angel Falls lest whoever drinks it will have tummy problems. You can find a jug of fresh water in the northwest corner of Slurry Coast. Take the fresh water to the man before the waterfall and you will receive the Angel's Tears, take the it to Angus to complete the quest.
Repeatable no
Quest #7 - "Curious Crevice"
Location The well at the northeastern corner of Stornway Castle.
Availability Upon arriving at Stornway Castle.
Requested by Hamish
Fulfilled to Hamish
Item Required DQ9 Slimedrop.pngSlimedrop
Reward DQ9 SeedOfStrength.pngSeed of strength
Detail You met a bit of a ruffian called Hamish down the well in Stornway Castle, and he asked you to bring him a Slimedrop. He seems to think he can use it to squeeze through a narrow gap.
Hint for solution Nearly every monster from the Slime family has a 164 to 18 chance to drop a Slimedrop.
Repeatable No.
Quest #8 - "Don't Cry Over Spilt Ink"
Location The study at the northwestern corner of the Central Hall in Stornway Castle.
Availability Upon arriving at Stornway Castle.
Requested by Earnan
Fulfilled to Earnan
Item Required Magic water
Reward Seed of magic
Detail An old man in Stornway Castle wants you to bring him some Magic water. He says he needs to remove some black ink from a very important-sounding book.
Hint for solution Magic water can be created with Holy water x 1, Royal soil x 1, and Nectar x 1. Its recipe can be found in Coffinwell, in Dr. Phlegming's laboratory.

You can also get Magic water from:

Repeatable no
Quest #9 - "Labour of Love"
Location Stornway armour shop.
Availability After defeating Morag.
Requested by Julia
Fulfilled to Julia
Item Required DQ9 Evencloth.pngEvencloth
Reward DQ9 PrettyBetsy.pngPretty betsy
Detail Julia from Stornway has asked you to bring her an Evencloth. She seems to think the Ragged reapers around Zere drop them from time to time.
Hint for solution Fight Ragged reapers in Zere Region, they have a 116 chance of dropping Evencloth. It can also be collected in the Djust Desert or Ondor Cliffs.
Repeatable No.
Quest #010 - "Wings of Love"
Location Stornway checkpoint
Availability Upon arriving at the checkpoint.
Requested by Romeo
Fulfilled to Romeo
Item Required Wing of bat
Reward 200 G
Detail Romeo, the soldier at the Stornway checkpoint, asked you to bring him a Wing of bat. He says the Drackmages near Zere often drop them.
Hint for solution Drackmages can be found around Zere during nighttime, they have a 1/16 chance of dropping a wing of bat.
Repeatable no
Quest #11 - "The Not-So-Great Escape"
Location Coffinwell well
Availability After acquiring the Ultimate Key.
Requested by Prisoner in the well
Fulfilled to Prisoner in the well
Item Required Hammer handrills
Reward Unhappy hat
Detail There's a prisoner in the cell in the well in Coffinwell who wants you to bring him some hammer handrills to help him break out!
Hint for solution The alchemy recipe for the Hammer handrills is Handrills x 1, Iron nails x 5, and Iron ore x 1.
Repeatable no
Quest #12 - "Putting on the Glitz"
Location Porth Llaffan, inside the inn.
Availability After completing the main story at Port Llaffan involving Jona Jones.
Requested by Glitzy
Fulfilled to Glitzy
Item Required Equip as much precious metal armor and weapons as possible. This includes platinum, gold, etc. There are multiple combinations that work, all of which involving shiny and glitzy metals, hence the title of the quest. Style points are unrelated to completion.
Reward Majestic mantle
Detail There's a young woman with white bunny ears in Port Llaffan who wants you to put on an outfit that will wow her.
Hint for solution Your equipment has to raise your Style stat past 230.
Repeatable no
Quest #013 - "All Fired Up"
Location Dourbridge
Availability Upon arriving at Dourbridge.
Requested by An old man outside the pub.
Fulfilled to An old man outside the pub.
Item Required Any item that can burn.
Reward 1 G
Detail There's an old man in Dourbridge who needs something to stoke his fire. Anything will do!
Hint for solution Give him something not-so-rare. Lots of different items will work, such as Medicinal herb, Antidotal herb, Cowpat, Horse manure. The reward will always be the same.
Repeatable Yes.
Quest #014 - "Snug as a Thug"
Location Dourbridge, northern shack.
Availability Upon arriving at Dourbridge.
Requested by Colden
Fulfilled to Colden
Item Required DQ9 Lambswool.pngLambswool
Reward Utility belt.pngUtility belt
Detail A man named Colden from Dourbridge wants you to give him something snug and warm.
Hint for solution Lambswool is sold in Batsureg or can be dropped by several different monsters, including Rampages, Ram raiders, Drackals, and Battering rams.
Repeatable No.
Quest #015 - "Collapsus' Call"
Location Heights of Loneliness - L7
Availability Upon arriving at Heights of Loneliness
Requested by Christopher Collapsus
Fulfilled to Christopher Collapsus
Item Required DQ9 SpecialMedicine.pngSpecial medicine
Reward Treasure map - Granite Tunnel of Woe Lv. 1.
Detail An explorer called Christopher Collapsus wants some special medicine to help him out of tight spot at the Heights of Loneliness.
Hint for solution Prepare a Special medicine before you come here. Special medicine can be created by mixing two Strong medicines in the Krak Pot.
Repeatable No.
Quest #016 - "Help Meowt Here!"
Location Bloomingdale, second floor of inn.
Availability Upon arriving in Bloomingdale.
Requested by Meowser
Fulfilled to Meowser
Item Required DQIX Cat ears.pngCat ears
Reward DQIX Kitty shield.pngKitty shield
Detail A cat called Meowser in Bloomingdale has meowed a request at you!
Hint for solution Buy Cat ears from the armour shop or alchemise some in the Krak Pot by using 2 Kitty litters and a Hairband. Talk to Meowser while wearing the ears.
Repeatable No.
Quest #17 - "You Shouldn't Have... Really"
Location Angel Falls
Availability After visiting Alltrades Abbey.
Requested by Chanterelle
Fulfilled to Chanterelle
Item Required 5 DQ9 BelleCap.pngBelle caps & 5 DQ9 Fistcup.pngFisticups
Reward Prayer ring
Detail Chanterelle from Angel Falls wants you to bring her some mushrooms that she can use to make a packed lunch for her father who is busy with his research. She'd like five belle caps and five fisticups.
Hint for solution Belle caps and Fisticups are dropped by the Morphean mushrooms in Coffinwell or Mushroom mages on Newid Isle. Belle caps can be collected from Western Coffinwell, Djust Desert, or Eastern Wormwood, while fisticups can be collected from Western Stornway, Iluugazar Plains, or the Wyrmsmaw.
Repeatable No.
Quest #18 - "Our Precious Precious"
Location Mountain Pass
Availability After visiting Alltrades Abbey.
Requested by Pauline
Fulfilled to Pauline
Item Required Precious (a Slime)
Reward Seed of skill
Detail Pauline, a woman you bumped into at mountain pass, wants you to help find her children's beloved pet, Precious. Apparently, Precious is very shy, and won't come out unless he feels safe.
Hint for solution According to the kids you should dress up as a Slime and go hunt Slimes, after a while a Slime with a sad face will follow you out of battle. Go back and talk to Pauline. (wear a Slood, Gooey gear, Slime shield and Slime earrings for full affect)
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #19 - "Moving House"
Location Stornway, outside northwest house.
Availability After visiting Alltrades Abbey.
Requested by old man
Fulfilled to old man
Item Required Raging ruby
Reward Life ring
Detail The old man who's trying to move his house gives you a Strength ring. Now you just need to use alchemy to turn it into a Raging ruby.
Hint for solution Prepare a Raging ruby by combining the Strength ring with a Corundum.
Repeatable No
Quest #20 - "A Masky Task."
Location Stornway, northwest house.
Availability After obtaining your own boat.
Requested by Malinda
Fulfilled to Malinda
Item Required Head Malleable mask
Reward Accessory Jaguarment
Detail Malinda from Stornway wants to see if you can make a Malleable mask even more beautiful with alchemy. She said she would be happy enough just to see the result, but if you give it to her, she'll swap it for a Jaguarment.
Hint for solution Prepare a Papillon mask in the Krak Pot.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #21 - "Spud-She-Like"
Location Stornway, west house between the weapon shop and the inn.
Availability After alchemy is enabled.
Requested by Alison
Fulfilled to Alison
Item Required DQ9 Sunstone.pngSunstone
Reward DQ9 SaintsAshes.pngSaint's ashes
Detail Alison from Stornway wants you to make her a sunstone. She says you can make one using mirrorstones, Lucida shards and Hephaestus' flames, but she doesn't know how many you'll need of each ingredient.
Hint for solution You need: 3 Mirrorstones, 2 Lucida shards, 1 Hephaestus' flame. To make a Lucida shard, you need 3 Brighten rocks (Goodybag drop near Batsureg or from the world map near Gleeba) and 3 Evencloths (Ragged reaper drop near Zere). Hephaestus' flames can be found randomly in rank 5 blue treasure chests or made by combining Iron ore, Lava lump, and Toad oil in the Krak Pot.
Repeatable No.
Quest #22 - "Mantle à La Mode"
Location Stornway armor shop
Availability After obtaining your own boat.
Requested by Kalvin
Fulfilled to Kalvin
Item Required Head Macabre mantle
Reward Fan Lunar fan
Detail Stornway fashion designer Kalvin wants you to make him a Macabre mantle. He says he'd be happy enough just to see it, but he'll swap it for a Lunar fan if you're willing to actually give it to him.
Hint for solution
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #23 - "Research Assistant"
Location Stornway Castle library
Availability After defeating Morag.
Requested by Earnan
Fulfilled to Earnan
Item Required Find an ancient manuscript showing the connection between Brigadoom and Stornway.
Reward 3 Seed of sorcery
Detail Make your way towards the castle's treasure's room. Examine the opened red box in the middle and you should find a crumpled piece of paper. Go back to Earnan. Then bring him three vials of Magic water and you're done.
Hint for solution Magic water can be bought at the item shop in Slurry Quay
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #24 - "Battering Betterflies"
Location Zere, outside church.
Availability At Level 25.
Requested by George
Fulfilled to George
Reward DQ9 SeedOfDefence.pngSeed of defence; DQ9 ToalOil.pngToad oil for repeat
Detail A farmer named George from Zere has asked you to chase away the betterflies that keep attacking his crops.
Hint for solution Have someone at a high enough level to make 10 betterflies flee from you in battle. Level 25 is sufficient. Betterflies can be found in the farmland area near Zere. The betterflies will eventually flee on their own if the player simply defends each turn.
Repeatable Yes.
Quest #25 - "Warbling Wellard"
Location Zere, outside church.
Availability After visiting Alltrades Abbey.
Requested by Wellard
Fulfilled to Wellard
Item Required Birdsong nectar
Reward Gleeban gold piece
Detail Thick-voiced thug Wellard from Zere wants you to bring him some Birdsong nectar.
Hint for solution Make Birdsong nectar using alchemy (3 Nectar, 1 Fresh water, 5 Sleeping hibiscus).
Repeatable yes
Quest #26 - "Doug and the Sluggers"
Location Coffinwell, outside the Mayor's house.
Availability After visiting Alltrades Abbey.
Requested by Doug
Fulfilled to Doug
Item Required Defeat 10 sluggers.
Reward DQ9 MiniMedal.pngMini medal; DQ9 Snakeskin.pngSnakeskin for repeating.
Detail Poor old Doug in Coffinwell has had his feelings hurt by his granddaughter, who said he looked like a slugger. He wants you to make him feel better by going just outside town and battering ten of them.
Hint for solution Sluggers can be found in the Coffinwell region.
Repeatable Yes.
Quest #27 - "Big-Headed Bard"
Location Coffinwell, between the armor and item shop
Availability After visiting Alltrades Abbey.
Requested by Earnest
Fulfilled to The nun in Coffinwell church.
Item Required DQ9 TechnicolourDreamcloth.pngTechnicolour dreamcloth
Reward Elfin charm
Detail A poet in Coffinwell called Earnest wants you to find him a bolt of Technicolour dreamcloth. Once you've found it, he wants you to present it to the nun in the church, along with a love poem he wrote for her.
Hint for solution You'll need to make a Celestial skein using 3 Fresh water and 5 Tangleweb. Then make the Dreamcloth using 1 Brighten rock, 3 Grubby bandages, and the Celestial skein. Give it to the nun, then visit Earnest again.
Repeatable no
Quest #028 - "Desert Foxes"
Location Djust Desert
Availability Upon arriving at Gleeba.
Requested by Back of sign SW of Gleeba.
Fulfilled to Back of sign SW of Gleeba.
Item Required DQIX Duneberry.png10 Duneberries
Reward DQ9 PlatinumOre.pngPlatinum ore for first-time completion. Silver platter.pngSilver platter for subsequent quest completions.
Detail According to the back of a sign just outside Gleeba, A Gleeban beauty who runs a group called the Desert Foxes is looking for ten duneberries that Parched peckerels tend to drop.
Hint for solution Parched peckerels only drop Duneberries when the quest is activated. Return to the dance all and talk to the ladies in the dressing room to receive your reward.
Repeatable Yes.
Quest #29 - "Fool's Gold"
Location Gleeba, headquarter of Gleeban royal guard.
Availability Upon arriving at Gleeba.
Requested by Ruki
Fulfilled to Ruki
Item Required Defeat a gold plated Golem
Reward 1000 gold coins (500 gold coins for repeating)
Detail Ruki, a trainee guard in Gleeba, told you about a strange request he'd received. Apparently, the Gold golems who roam the Djust Desert want someone to go after the fake gold-plated golem in their midst.
Hint for solution Keep fighting Gold golems. When you defeat the right one, the fake's plating will fall off and the quest will be completed.
Repeatable yes
Quest #30 - "Wrapper's Delight"
Location Gleeba, headquarters of Gleeban Royal Guard.
Availability Upon arriving at Gleeba.
Requested by Mehdik
Fulfilled to Mehdik
Item Required 5 Grubby bandages.
Reward Ruby of protection for first-time completion, Corundum for repeating.
Detail Mehdik, a guard in Gleeba, asked you to grab five Grubby bandages.
Hint for solution You can find Manky mummy in The Plumbed Depths, steal grubby bandage from them using a Thief party member who has learned Half-Inch.
Repeatable Yes.
Quest #31 - "Feathers for a Fan"
Location Gleeba, dance hall
Availability Upon arriving at Gleeba.
Requested by Afan
Fulfilled to Afan
Item Required 3 Hocus chimaera feathers.
Reward Magical skirt
Detail Afan, a young man who hangs around in the dance hall in Gleeba wants you to bring him three Hocus chimaera feathers so he can impress Belinda, a girl who struts her stuff there.
Hint for solution The feathers are a special drop item and cannot be stolen. They are only dropped by Hocus chimaeras when the quest has been activated. The easiest place to fight is at the Heights of Loneliness by zooming to Zere Rocks. They can also be found on the island off the coast of Bloomingdale.
Repeatable No.
Quest #032 - "Oil Get It!"
Location Gleeba - Middle of Town.
Availability After completing main story.
Requested by Peregrine
Fulfilled to Peregrine
Item Required Turbo toad oil
Reward Two thousand gold coins.
Detail A Peddler called Peregrine in Gleeba has asked you to fetch some turbo toad oil. You can get hold of some by defeating an expload with a critical attack.
Hint for solution Kill an Expload with a critical attack. Use Hatchet Man or Thunder Thrust to get Critical Hits more easily.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #33 - "Lady of the Dance"
Location Gleeba - Mirage Mahal - L1 library.
Availability Upon arriving at Gleeba.
Requested by Leftmost bookcase in the first floor library.
Fulfilled to none
Item Required none
Reward Belly Dance Party trick.
Detail You read a book in the Mirage Mahal begging someone to seek out the legendary belly-dancing teacher of the Iluugazar Plains. Apparently, he's very pretty, and always adorn with jewels...
Hint for solution Go to Iluugazar Plains and kill the Goodybags there. Eventually the Dancer (a special Goodybag) will show up and teach you how to belly dance.
Repeatable no
Quest #34 - "A Simple Task"
Location Batsureg
Availability After defeating Larstasnaras.
Requested by Chuluun
Fulfilled to Chuluun
Item Required Simple Simon or Simple Simone accolade.
Reward Veteran's helm
Detail A girl called Chuluun from Batsureg wants to know just how simple a Simple Simon and a Simple Simone would be. Attain one or the other accolade and show Chuluun what she needs to see.
Hint for solution The accolade can be gotten by equiping the following as a Male Priest: Sadistick, Dragon Shield, Holy Hat, Dark Robe, Heavy Handwear, Blue Jeans, Classy Clogs, and Utility Belt.

Or as a Female Ranger: Headsman's Axe, Minotaur Helm, Jaguarment, Gloomy Gloves, Steppe Steppers, and Agiliboots

Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #35 - "All Dolled Up"
Location Westernmost tent in Batsureg.
Availability After defeating Larstastnaras.
Requested by Enkh
Fulfilled to Enkh
Item Required DQIX Rag doll.pngRag doll
Reward DQIX Einhänder.pngEinhänder
Detail Enkh from Batsureg needs you to recover Batkhaan's doll. You have to search the Iluugazar Plains for a Brainy badboon and use Half-Inch after putting the beast to sleep. If you're lucky, you'll be able to snatch back the doll.
Hint for solution Brainy badboons can be put to sleep with either the Snooze spell or by using a Sleeping hibiscus on them. Priests learn the spell the earliest, at level 6. Thieves learn Half-Inch by investing 10 skill points into their Acquisitiveness skill. It may take several successful steals from Brainy badboons to find the doll. As always, the quest can be finished quicker by having multiple characters in the party that can use Half-Inch.
Repeatable No.
Quest #036 - "Little Miss Bossy Boots"
Location Swinedimples Academy - Level 1, in front of the bulletin board.
Availability Shortly after arriving in Swinedimples.
Requested by Alchemilla
Fulfilled to Alchemilla
Item Required 2 urns of Royal soil, 1 phial of Holy water.
Reward Swinedimples salute party trick, Thunderball for repeating.
Detail Alchemilla, a pupil at Swinedimples, wants to know if you've got what it takes to enter the academy. It sounds like she'll be satisfied if you just bring her two lots of Royal soil. Then she'll want a Holy water as well.
Hint for solution Royal soil appears by Porth Llaffan and the forest near Batzorig's mother's grave. Holy water can be purchased at most item shops.
Repeatable Yes.
Quest #037 - "Funghi for a Fun Guy"
Location Pluvi Isle - Southwestern island.
Availability Upon arriving at Pluvi Isle.
Requested by Gus
Fulfilled to Gus
Item Required DQ9 BelleCap.png 3x Belle caps
Reward DQ9 Finessence.pngFinessence (1st time), DQ9 MagicBeastHorn.pngMagic beast horn (2nd time and onwards)
Detail Gus, the artist at the well faraway, wants to create a belle cap paradise. He needs you to bring him three belle caps, which apparently grow on the little island in the sea to the east of Gleeba.
Hint for solution Gus mentions one of the locations where belle caps can be found. Belle caps can also be collected from Western Coffinwell, Djust Desert, and Eastern Wormwood. Morphean mushrooms and Mushroom mages can drop them, as well.
Repeatable Yes.
Quest #038 - "Muffled Admiration"
Location Wormword Creek - Weapon Shop.
Availability not sure
Requested by Scarface
Fulfilled to Scarface
Reward Elfin elixir
Detail A warrior from Wormwood Creek wants you to pass on some handmade scarves he made for a selection of Sanguinis.
Hint for solution Find and defeat: Teeny sanguini, Pink sanguini, and Genie sanguini.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #39 - "Follow That Fish!"
Location Porth Llaffan, Jona's House
Availability After finishing the main story.
Requested by Jona Jones
Fulfilled to Jona Jones
Item Required *Flowing dress
  • Watermaul wand
  • Silver shield
Reward DQ9 SterlingsWhistle.pngSterling's whistle, which allows the party to call upon the Starflight Express on the world map.
Detail Jona Jones from Porth Llaffan thinks she might have seen the real Lleviathan, and has asked you to find a way of summoning the great sea-beast. It seems there was once a woman known as Lleviathan's serenader in the village...
Hint for solution The serenader woman's ghost can be talked to on the beach in Porth Llaffan at night. She instructs you to get the following equipment:

After getting all the pieces of equipment, go to Cuddiedig Cliff to meet up with Jona, and Lleviathan will appear.

Repeatable No.
Quest #40 - "Man Eating Vegetables"
Location Angel Falls - Item shop
Availability After completing main story.
Requested by Veginia
Fulfilled to Veginia
Item Required Medicinal herb
Reward Yggdrasil dew x3
Detail A worried woman in the village shop in Angel Falls wants you to earn the 'Herbalist' accolade and hopefully set her mind at rest.
Hint for solution Use 100 Medicinal herbs to get the accolade, then set it as your active title and talk to Veginia again.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #41 - "Style Gooru"
Location Angel Falls - Behind Item shop house
Availability After completing main story.
Requested by Dr. Slimon
Fulfilled to Dr. Slimon
Item Required goododendron flower
Reward Seed of agility, Nectar for repeat.
Detail Researcher Dr Slimon in Angel Falls wants you to find him a style gooru among the slimes who inhabit the area.
Hint for solution Keep killing Slimes outside Angel Falls until one drops the Goododendron flower.
Repeatable yes
Quest #42 - "Letter Getter"
Location Stornway
Availability After completing quest #47
Requested by Rufus
Fulfilled to Bryson
Reward glombolero
Detail Rufus from Stornway needs you to retrieve a woman's final letter and deliver it to a boy named Bryson in a place called Porth something. Defeat a bling badger in a grotto with lots of water, and you may well find the letter.
Hint for solution Gain access to high level water grottos.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #43 - "Maid to Wait"
Location Stornway - First house at the right
Availability After completing main story
Requested by Gulliver
Fulfilled to Gulliver
Item Required maid's mop and the maid outfit
Reward halo
Detail There's an old man called Gulliver in Stornway who seems to have been waiting for a maid to come and visit him for fifty years...
Hint for solution You can buy both items at the secret shop in Dourbridge. Even male characters are able to equip them and complete this quest.
Repeatable no
Quest #44 - "A Climber for a Climber"
Location Coffinwell - In front of Mayor Laria's house
Availability After completing main story
Requested by Mrs. Tofferton
Fulfilled to Mrs. Tofferton
Reward mini medal
Detail Mrs. Tofferton, the richest lady in Coffinwell, wants you to find her a beardy weirdy. Apparently, it's fashionable among certain circles to keep one as a pet.
Hint for solution Defeat a treevil with Stone's Throw. If the beardy weirdy's beard is less than 100 cm long, it will not count toward completing the quest. This quest is repeatable.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #45 - "Tale of the Paper Trail"
Location Coffinwell - Next to the Guardian statue on the right
Availability After completing main story
Requested by Jade
Fulfilled to Jade
Reward brainy bracer
Detail A worried mother wants you to find her son's test paper, which has blown off somewhere outside of Coffinwell.
Hint for solution Defeat random enemies around Coffinwell until you retrieve all 3 Torn Exam Paper pieces.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #46 - "Puttin' 'Em in Platinum"
Location Coffinwell - In the house next to the well
Availability After completing main story
Requested by Dominique
Fulfilled to Dominique
Reward divine dress
Detail Dominique from Coffinwell wants you to help her son pass his all-important entrance examination. All you need to do is find a platinum sword, platinum shield, some platinum mail, and some platinum headgear.
Hint for solution
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #47 - "Dozy Mayor"
Location Porth Llaffan
Availability After completing main story
Requested by Man inside mayor's house
Fulfilled to Man inside mayor's house
Reward Seed of magic
Detail A man in Porth Llaffan asked you to help wake Mayor Bryce. Another man inside the mayor's house suggests a healing item from Angel Falls.
Hint for solution Visit Angel Falls with a Fresh water and talk to the man near the waterfall. He will turn the fresh water into Angel's tears. Give this item to the man near the mayor.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #48 - "A Task for a Cask"
Location Slurry Quay
Availability After completing main story.
Requested by Barrel on the southern edge of dock.
Fulfilled to Barrel on the southern edge of dock.
Item Required Holy water, Fresh water, and Magic water
Reward Seed of defense, Gleeban guinea for repeat
Detail You heard a voice from inside a barrel on Slurry Quay. Whoever it is seems to be in need of water.
Hint for solution Give the barrel one of each of the waters requested.
Repeatable yes
Quest #49 - "Rock On!"
Location Zere Rocks
Availability After finishing the main story.
Requested by Rocky
Fulfilled to Rocky
Item Required DQ9 Resurrock.pngResurrock DQ9 EnchantedStone.pngEnchanted stone DQ9 AgateOfEvolution.pngAgate of evolution
Reward Rusty shield.pngRusty shield
Detail Rock-obsessed Rocky from Zere Rocks wants you to show him a Resurrock, an Enchanted stone, and an Agate of evolution.
Hint for solution
Repeatable No.
Quest #050 - "Confession of Cin's"
Location Church at Bloomingdale.
Availability After completing the main story.
Requested by Sister Cindy
Fulfilled to Sister Cindy
Item Required DQIX Dead mans dagger.pngDead man's dagger
Reward DQ9 SeedOfTherapeusis.pngSeed of therapeusis (first time only); DQ9 SagesElixir.pngSage's elixir for repeating.
Detail Sister Cindy at the church in Bloomingdale wants you defeat a Blood mummy and retrieve a Dead man's dagger for her. She says she thinks a blood mummy somewhere in the Bowhole has it.
Hint for solution The blood mummies must be fought at the Bowhole, a dungeon located in Western Wormwood. Defeating them will eventually drop the dagger.
Repeatable Yes.