List of quests in Dragon Quest IX: 101-150

From Dragon Quest Wiki

This is a list of quests 101-150 in Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies.

See also:

Quest #101 - "Eggstreme Sports"
Location Alltrades Abbey
Availability After defeating Master of Nu'un, have a level 15 Minstrel in your party
Requested by Tom Foolery
Fulfilled to Tom Foolery
Item Required Egg On one ally to the maximum tension 5 times.
Reward Flamenco shirt, Dancer's dress
Detail You've become an apprentice to Tom Foolery, a spirit Minstrel at Alltrades Abbey. Your first task is to Egg On your party members into a state of super-high tension five times.
Hint for solution This can be done together with quest #103 Gladiator Graduator to save some time.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #102 - "Prat's the Way to Do It!"
Location Alltrades Abbey
Availability Have a Level 40 Minstrel in your party, and finished Quest #101
Requested by Tom Foolery
Fulfilled to Tom Foolery
Item Required none
Reward Minstrel's manual
Detail Tom Foolery at Alltrades Abbey wants you to get into training to make a special someone laugh by splitting the sides of two monsters with critical Pratfalls first!
Hint for solution Use the skill "Pratfalls" on two monsters until you got "Critical Pratfall". Then go to Stornway Castle, take the staircase on the southwest corner, and talk with the prisoner in the east cell. Select "No" when he asks you a question. After that go back to Alltrades Abbey and report to Tom Foolery.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #103 - "Gladiator Graduator"
Location Alltrades Abbey, in front of the inn
Availability After defeating Master of Nu'un
Requested by A priest
Fulfilled to A priest
Item Required Use Egg On or Psyche Up to maximize a party member who knows Dragon Slash, and kill 3 Slimes.
Reward Gladiator class becomes available
Detail A Priest at Alltrades Abbey has told you that a gladiator need not only Strength, but also composure. You must demonstrate this by defeating three Slimes using Dragon Slash while you're in a state of super-high tension.
Hint for solution Go to Angel Falls to fight the weakest Slimes. If you have a Priest in the party, have them cast Snooze to keep the slime from fleeing.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #104 - "Glad To Be Of Service"
Location Island in Hermany
Availability Have a level 15+ Gladiator
Requested by Unscrupulus Maximus
Fulfilled to Unscrupulus Maximus
Reward tactical vest, brawling byrnie
Detail You met with a gladiator called Unscrupulus Maximus on a small island just east of Hermany, and he wants you to prove your strength. You'll need to polish off ten drackals with Double Up to satisfy him.
Hint for solution Drackals can be found in the Khaalag Coast and Mt. Ulzuun. You have to defeat 10 of them with your gladiator who must be in the Double Up state.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #105 - "Challengus Maximus"
Location Island off to the right off Hermany
Availability Have a level 40+ Gladiator
Requested by Unscrupulus Maximus
Fulfilled to Unscrupulus Maximus
Reward Gladiator's guide
Detail The gladiator Unscrupulus Maximus on the small island just east of Hermany has issued his final challenge: first you must subject yourself to Envenomation, you're to use Double Up, and finish off three Green dragons with Double-Edged Slash.
Hint for solution Green Dragons can be found easily in the Magmaroo. You must be Envenomated by the same one that you are fighting. Be sure your Gladiator is in Double Up before they use Double-Edged Slash on them. Bringing a strong healer who knows Squelch is strongly recommended since you need to pull this off on 3 of those dragons. Be careful not use Psyche Up otherwise you may risk your life when using Double-Edged Slash.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #106 - "Taking Soul Control"
Location Gleeba, on the roof of the palace
Availability Upon arrival in Gleeba
Requested by Brunhild
Fulfilled to Brunhild
Item Required Take 10 hits meant for party members using the Warrior skill Whipping Boy.
Reward Paladin class becomes available
Detail Brunhild at the Mirage Mahal wants to see if you've got what it takes to be a paladin. You need to use the Whipping Boy ability to protect your companions ten times in battle in the Djust Desert.
Hint for solution Find monsters that hit several times or a group of monsters. You have to be fighting in the Djust Desert for the hits to count.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #107 - "Off the Record"
Location Gleeba, on the roof of the palace
Availability After reaching Lvl 15 as a Paladin.
Requested by Brunhild
Fulfilled to Brunhild
Item Required Defeat three infernal armours with the Pincushion ability.
Reward Holy mail, Holy femail
Detail Time to prove who's the most superior paladin: you or Brunhild of the Mirage Mahal. Your task is to defeat three infernal armours with damage deflected by the Pincushion ability.
Hint for solution Attack with care (they have 110 HP, but also have healing spells, so if you're too gentle they won't be low enough to pop themselves on your spikes), and don't wear your best armour because there might not be any damage for Pincushion to reflect if you do.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #108 - "Top Flight Knight Fight"
Location Mirage Mahal (on the roof of the palace)
Availability Have a level 40+ paladin
Requested by Brunhild
Fulfilled to Brunhild
Item Required Use H-Pathy ability on a party member that only have 1 HP left five time.
Reward 'Paladin's Primer'
Detail Time to decide once and for all who’s the best; you or Brunhild of the Mirage Mahal! You need to bring a companion with only one health point remaining back from the brink with H-Pathy in five separate battles!
Hint for solution Go make a new character or take your lowest character to a damaging area like Doomingale Forest and low it up by moving in it till it only have 1 HP left, then go enter a battle with one of the monster roaming around there. Once in the battle simply use H-Pathy on it and kill the monsters afterward. Then simply repeat the process four more time.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #109 - "Elementary Training"
Location Alltrades Abbey
Availability After defeating Master of Nu'un
Requested by Windy
Fulfilled to Windy
Reward Armamentalist class become available.
Detail Windy at Alltrades Abbey says you must use the Fource of Mother Nature if you want to join the great fellowship of Armamentalists. He wants you to erect a Wizard Ward before defeating two Metal slimes in battle.
Hint for solution Equip your Mage party member with Poison needle. Try weakening the Metal slime with a Metal Slash, a sword skill, after you have casted Wizard ward. Note that the mage who cast Wizard ward must be the one to defeat the Slime.
Repeatable No
Quest #110 - "Fource In the Field"
Location Alltrades Abbey
Availability After reaching Lvl 15 as an Armamentalist
Requested by Windy
Fulfilled to Windy
Reward Fencing jacket, Fencing frock
Detail Defeat 10 White trigertaur by an Armamentalist that decreased its defence twice with Sap and used Fire Fource to defeat it with a regular attack.
Hint for solution White trigertaurs can be found in Snowberia and Cringle Coast just north of it. Your armamentalist has to hit them with Sap twice and also use Fire Fource on themselves before hitting them.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #111 - "The Fource...Forever"
Location Alltrades Abbey
Availability With a Lvl 40 or higher an Armamentalist in the party
Requested by Windy
Fulfilled to Windy
Item Required Kill the requested monsters with the appropriate Fource.
Reward 'Armamentalist's Album'
Detail Windy at Alltrades Abbey wants you to defeat five monsters with the five Fources: a magmalice with Fire, a Great gruffon with Frost, a Cumulus rex with Gale, a king slime with Life, and a raving reaper with Funereal.
Hint for solution None of the monsters are particularly hard to find. In every case, you're being asked to use the worst possible Fource for that monster.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #112 - "Ranger Changer"
Location Heights of Loneliness - Entrance
Availability Upon arriving at Heights of Loneliness.
Requested by Odval
Fulfilled to Odval
Item Required Kill 3 Hocus chimaera using Poison.
Reward Ranger class become available.
Detail You accepted Odval's challenge at the Heights of Loneliness. She wants you to use Toxic Dagger to envenom three Hocus chimaeras and polish them off with Poison alone.
Hint for solution Have a thief equipped with a knife in order to use the skill. Then equip your party member with Poison needle, this make sure that you can poison the enemy but don't kill them. When you Poison a Hocus chimaera, defend and wait until it finishes its miserable life. Cast Antimagic if you can to prevent it from healing as it is prone to using Midheal.
Repeatable no
Quest #113 - "Hoarse Whisper"
Location Heights of Loneliness - Entrance
Availability With a Level 15 Ranger in your party.
Requested by Odval
Fulfilled to Odval
Reward Nomadic deel
Detail Odval at the Heights of Loneliness says that a true Ranger must be able to talk to the animals. She wants you to attract the attention of twenty beasts by angering them, and then calm them down again with Soothe Sayer.
Hint for solution Keep hitting monsters until they get angry. Boss monsters are good targets because they are not as easily to beat as normal monsters, so remember to cast "Soothe Sayer" when they get angry. Use Whistle and Eyes on Me to enrage monsters faster.

Another alternative if you don't have Whistle and Eyes on Me, go to slurry coast and fight Bewarewolf's. During battle whenever a character gets "damaged" cast a healing spell on them. 80-90% of the time the Bewarewolf will become enraged with the healer. You can then cast "Soothe Sayer" on it.

Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #114 - "One-Turn Wonder"
Location Heights of Loneliness
Availability Have a Level 40+ Ranger.
Requested by Odval
Fulfilled to Odval
Reward Ranger's Revalations
Detail Odval the ranger at the Heights of Loneliness wants you to show your supreme speed before she'll let you in on the ultimate Ranger secret. You must defeat a Drakularge in the first turn of battle five (5) times!
Hint for solution Drakularges can be easily found in Wyrmwing just South of Upover, have a team of at least four (4) and order everyone to attack the Drakularge immediately
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #115 - "Sages in the Pages"
Location Gittingham Palace - Bookshelf in Gittingham Palace - L2 North
Availability Upon arriving at Gittingham Palace
Requested by Supreme Sage
Fulfilled to Supreme Sage
Item Required Kill 5 Great trolls with Frizz.
Reward Sage class becomes available.
Detail The Supreme Sage, who sleeps between the pages of a book on the shelves of Glittengham Palace, asked if you'd like to become a sage too. To do so, you have to finish off five great trolls with Frizz.
Hint for solution Great troll roams in Realm of the Mighty and in some grottos. They have around 600-700hp. Frizz hits around 60 with a level 55 mage. Do a bit of maths
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #116 - "Sagier and Pagier"
Location Gittingham Palace - Bookshelf in Gittingham Palace - L2 North
Availability WIth level 15 Sage in party and after quest #115
Requested by Supreme Sage
Fulfilled to Supreme Sage
Item Required Kill Equinox with Bang.
Reward Sage's robe
Detail (please add a description)
Hint for solution Equinox has 1800hp. keep track on how much HP he has left, then kill him with bang when he's at around 100hp.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #117 - "Engaging the Sage"
Location Gittingham Palace - Bookshelf in Gittingham Palace - L2 North
Availability With a level 40 Sage in the party and after quest #116
Requested by Supreme Sage
Fulfilled to Supreme Sage
Item Required Kill Atlas with Zam.
Reward 'Sage's Scripture'
Detail If you want to know the Supreme Sage's most sacred secret, you'll have to put on a real command performance. Finish Atlas off with Zam to satisfy the absent-minded, book-dwelling mystic from Gittingham Palace.
Hint for solution Atlas can potentially be found in grottos of Regret, Bane, Fear, Dread, Hurt, or Gloom. Grind for maps of quality 81-180 or 201-248 if you haven't got an Atlas map already.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #118 - "A Star is Born"
Location Gleeba
Availability after finishing the main story
Requested by Applaudia
Fulfilled to Applaudia
Item Required Kill a Moai minstrel with Hot Lick.
Reward Luminary class becomes available.
Detail Applaudia in Gleeba says that the path to becoming a great luminary is paved with blood, sweat and tears. She wants you to defeat a moai minstrel with the Hot Lick ability to prove your worth.
Hint for solution Moai minstrels live in higher level Grottos.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #119 - "Sign Up For Your Supper"
Location Gleeba - dance hall
Availability with a Level 15 Luminary in the party, after completing quest 118
Requested by Applaudia
Fulfilled to Applaudia
Item Required Defeat an enemy by scoring a critical hit with the Luminary ability Autograph.
Reward Star's suit
Detail You will receive a message in battle when you have scored a critical hit with the Autograph ability.
Hint for solution
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #120 - "Your Time To Shine"
Location Gleeba - dance hall
Availability with a Level 40 Luminary in the party, after completing quest 119.
Requested by Applaudia
Fulfilled to Applaudia
Item Required Anger 10 Moai minstrels with Eyes on Me while under the influence of Extreme Makeover, and kill them.
Detail You have accepted Applaudia's final challenge: use Extreme Makeover to optimise your appeal, then employ Eyes on Me to attract ten moai minstrels' attention before exterminating them.
Hint for solution Moai minstrels live in higher level Grottos.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #121 - "A Cloudless Skye"
Location Upover on the stairs in the east above the inn.
Availability After downloading from DQVC and finishing the main story.
Requested by Skye
Fulfilled to Skye
Item Required Miracle sword or Über miracle sword
Reward Astral plume (first time and repeat)
Detail A girl called Skye from Upover wants you to bring her a cloud. Apparently, if you make a miracle happen, you might just be able to touch one.
Hint for solution Defeat some Cumulus rexes (around Upover) with either the Miracle sword or the Über miracle sword until one drops 'something fluffy'. The easiest way to receive a Miracle sword is by turning in 32 Mini medals to Cap'n Max Meddlin' in Dourbridge. Shogum also has a small chance of dropping the sword, as well.
Repeatable Yes.
Quest #122 - "Bert's Berfday"
Location Bloomingdale
Availability after finishing the main story
Requested by Bert
Fulfilled to Bert
Reward Fingerless gloves
Detail Bert at the inn in Bloomingdale wants you to get him a Birthday cake and a Party popper.
Hint for solution Change your birthday in the profile settings to today and talk to the special guests in Erinn's inn. These items can also be found randomly on DQVC
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #123 - "A Present from the Past"
Location Stornway in Quester's Rest.
Availability After finishing the main story.
Requested by Erinn
Fulfilled to Erinn
Reward Yggdrasil dew
Detail Erinn has asked you to help her find a Grotto with the words 'of dolour' in the name, where her mother apparently left a gift for her. Find the dolorous treasure map, and follow it to the Grotto.
Hint for solution You must defeat the boss of the Grotto in order to find the present for Erinn. Then return to the Quester's Rest and talk to Erinn behind the counter again to complete the quest.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #124 - "Risqué Respects"
Location Stornway
Availability After finishing the main story.
Requested by Cosette
Fulfilled to Cosette
Reward Gloomy gloves, learn new alchemy recipes.
Detail An old woman paying her respects at a grave in Stornway need you to bring her a Dangerous bustier! You can apparently find them in treasure chests in Grottos.
Hint for solution If you're lucky, you can pick one up on DQVC. Otherwise you have a small chance of finding one in a Level 30 Grotto in a rank 5 chest.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #125 - "Perk Up, Patty!"
Location Stornway - Quester's Rest
Availability After finishing Quest #123
Requested by Erinn
Fulfilled to Erinn
Reward Patty becomes a playable character starting as a minimally equipped Level 28 Thief with 62 skill points ready to allocate.
Detail Erinn has asked you to try and cheer Patty up. Patty seems to be reminiscing about her time as an explorer, and feeling sad about her long lost friend Phoebe.
Hint for solution Ask the people of Batsureg if they know Phoebe. If Batkhaan has left to visit the grave of his wife, you must travel there and witness a scene before he will return to Batsureg. After speaking to Batkhaan, return to Stornway and speak to Erinn again. Then return to Batsureg at night to find Phoebe's ghost in the center of the village. Phoebe asks you to sail to her grave on the Khalag Coast. You must take the boat there, not the Starflight Express. The grave is on the eastern side of the Khalag Coast. After acquiring the friendant, take it back to Patty to complete the quest.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #126 - "Puff-Puff Performance"
Location Hunters' Yurts
Availability After finishing the main story
Requested by Tuya
Fulfilled to Tuya
Item Required Cheer-me-up-herb
Reward DQ9 Lambswool.pngLambswool; repeatable for same reward.
Detail If you want Tuya from the Hunters' Yurts to perform a proper Puff-Puff, you'll have to bring her some cheer-me-up. Pick your moment well, and you should easily be able to steal some from a boss troll.
Hint for solution Boss trolls can be found in the Oubliette, but not the main part of the fortress. If the player has already has the ability to access the Starlight Express, one can travel to the Tower of Nod just north of Coffinwell where many boss trolls can be found. Naturally, Half-Inch is also required, as well. Just keep stealing from them until you get the cheer-me-up herb.
Repeatable Yes.
Quest #127 - "A Right Royal Nightmare."
Location Stornway Castle - Wormwood Creek
Availability After finishing the main story and completing Quest #6.
Requested by King Schott
Fulfilled to King Schott
Reward Minister's mittens and Blessed boots
Detail You've been asked to put an end to King Schott of Stornway's recurring nightmare. Apparently, there's some kind of dream expert in the village of Wormwood Creek who might be able to help.
Hint for solution Clare Voyant sits in Wormwood Creek's church. She asks for a Malicite, a Manky mud, and a Sage's elixir.
Repeatable No.
Quest #128 - "P-P-Pick Up a Pickaxe"
Location Inside the well in Stornway Castle
Availability After finishing the main story and completing Quest #7
Requested by Hamish
Fulfilled to Hamish
Reward Mighty armlet
Detail Hamish, the man down the well in Stornway Castle, wants you to bring him a legendary item called a Platinum pick. Apparently, the monsters who carry them are called Darkonium slimes, and can only be found in Grottos.
Hint for solution Darkonium slimes are found in high-level Grottos and deep in mid-level Grottos.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #129 - "A Spot of Book-Keyping"
Location Stornway Castle
Availability After finishing the main story and completing quests #23 and #127.
Requested by Princess Simona
Fulfilled to Princess Simona
Reward Royal Regards Party Trick
Detail Princess Simona has asked you to help her open a mysterious locked book. It was given to her by a former servant, who's apparently hanging around at the item shop.
Hint for solution Clear a Grotto with the word "silver" in its name.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #130 - "Exhume the Heirloom"
Location Uhohasis in the Djust Desert
Availability after finishing the main story
Requested by Barney
Fulfilled to Barney
Item Required 'Wisdom of the Ancients' and Old Ring
Reward Full Moon Ring
Detail Barney, a ghost at the Uhohasis in the Djust Desert, wants you to find his family heirloom, which has apparently been hidden somewhere in a watery grotto.
Hint for solution Barney only appears at night. The quest requires beating the boss at the bottom of any water-themed grotto.
Repeatable No
Quest #131 - "Making Room in Bridgadoom"
Location Stornway
Availability after finishing quest #129
Requested by Maeve
Fulfilled to Maeve
Reward enchantress's gloves
Detail Maeve the mage from Stornway wants you to defeat some fearsome monsters that have appeared in Brigadoom.
Hint for solution You must defeat a scarlet fever in L1, and two scarlet fevers in L2.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #132 - "Tree-Hugging Titan"
Location Newid Isle
Availability After completing Quest #58
Requested by Cyclops standing next to a tree
Fulfilled to Cyclops standing next to a tree
Reward Seed of life; Ace of clubs for repeat.
Detail A cyclops at the lakeside tree on Newid Isle wants you to sort out a gigantes that keeps damaging the tree. GRAARRRGHH! Fight the gigantes until it's on its last legs and then show it Mercy by letting it go.
Hint for solution Be at least Level 40 and deplete about 500 of the gigante's HP before using Mercy.
Repeatable Yes
Quest #133 - "Recruitment Drive"
Location Stornway
Availability after finishing quest #131
Requested by Calhoun
Fulfilled to Calhoun
Item Required full moon axe
Reward combat boots
Detail Calhoun, a martial artist from Stornway, wants you to ask a particular castle maid to join the Back to Brigadoom Brigade. The maid in question wants a full moon axe before she'll agree to join.
Hint for solution
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #134 - "When Tax Attacks"
Location Hermany
Availability Upon arriving at Hermany
Requested by Herman
Fulfilled to Herman
Reward Wizard's hat
Detail Herman from Hermany wants you to pay his sixty gold coin town council tax bill for him. The person who delivers the letters from the council comes in the middle of the night and makes a clanking noise outside the house.
Hint for solution Kill a Hunter mech outside his house at night.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #135 - "To Bridgadoom!"
Location Stornway
Availability after finishing quest #133
Requested by Maeve
Fulfilled to Maeve
Reward witch's hat
Detail Maeve, a mage from Stornway, wants you to attend the inaugural meeting of the Back to Brigadoom Brigade. The meeting is going to take place in the throne room of Brigadoom Castle.
Hint for solution In Brigadoom, you'll have to fight a scarlet fever to help Princess Simona.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #136 - "EXTERMINATE!"
Location Hermany
Availability after finishing quest #134
Requested by Note in bookshelf north of Herman
Fulfilled to Note in bookshelf north of Herman
Reward Metal slime shield for first win. Mini medal for subsequent wins.
Detail You found a letter announcing the beginning of the metal slime hunting season in the house on the high plateau in Hermany. Beat three or more metal slimes in one battle on the high plateau near Angel Falls three times to earn a reward.
Hint for solution Metal medlies and Liquid metal slimes do not count. This quest is repeatable.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #137 - "Yore for it Now!"
Location Stornway Castle
Availability After finishing Quest #128 and Quest #135.
Requested by King Schott
Fulfilled to King Schott
Reward Wyrmwand and alchemy recipes for Stratotoga, Archangel's robe, Master's gloves, Immortal trousers, and Sagacious sandals.
Detail King Schott of Stornway wants you to check on the big coffin that's been discovered beneath the castle well.
Hint for solution You must battle and defeat Yore to complete the quest.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #138 - "Shaman You!"
Location Island on Western Coffinwell map.
Availability After obtaining your own boat. [Connect to DQVC first, Extra Quests would be downloaded and become available throughout the gameplay.]
Requested by Shaman
Fulfilled to Shaman
Reward Mitre
Detail The shaman at the shrine on the small island in Loch Storn wants you to try equipping at least three Cursed items.
Hint for solution The three cursed items must be equiped on the same character.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #139 - "Has Sellma Sold Out?"
Location Stornway, Quester's Rest
Availability after finishing Quest #125
Requested by Sellma
Fulfilled to Sellma
Reward Sellma becomes a playable character starting as a Lv. 1 Priest with 0 skill points ready to allocate.
Detail Sellma has asked you to borrow the Quester's Rest guestbook for her.
Hint for solution When looking for the people who ran off with the guestbook, look in Gleeba's underground area, The Plumbed Depths.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #140 - "Apt Pupil"
Location Swinedimples - The Old School
Availability after finishing the main story
Requested by Sir Sternivus Swinedimple
Fulfilled to Sir Sternivus Swinedimple
Reward Blessed bindings, Tantric trousers, and Brahman boots for first completion. Brainy bracer in subsequent completions.
Detail Sir Sternivus Swinedimple has asked you to do some extra-curricular activities. Dress all of your party in Swinedimples blazers and go to a grotto to defeat Sir Sanguinus. This quest is repeatable.
Hint for solution Only a grotto of Doubt, Woe, Dolour, Regret, Bane, or Fear can have Sir Sanguinus in it.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #141 - "Coffinwell Conundrum"
Location Coffinwell
Availability After finishing quest #46.
Requested by Dr Phlegming
Fulfilled to Dr Phlegming
Reward Learn Professor's Pose party trick
Detail Dr Phlegming needs your help to decipher an old manuscript detailing historical links between Coffinwell and the Gittish Empire. He wants you to try and find a book on the Gittish Empire for him.
Hint for solution Look in a previously uninteresting bookshelf in B3 of The Oubliette in the basement of the Gittingham Palace.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #142 - "Prayermongering"
Location Angel Falls - Pool of Spirits
Availability after finishing quest #055
Requested by Enid
Fulfilled to Enid
Reward Metal slime helm for first completion. Brighten rock for subsequent completions.
Detail Enid, a spirit you met at the Pool of Spirits near Angel Falls, wants you to fill a piece of gratite with the power of heartfelt thanks by succeeding in give or more other quests. This quest is repeatable.
Hint for solution Enid indicates that you can use the repeatable version of repeatable quests.
Repeatable Yes.
Quest #143 - "Thingy, King of, er..."
Location Quarantomb - B1
Availability After downloading from DQVC and completing quest #141
Requested by king's ghost
Fulfilled to king's ghost
Item Required Royal Seal
Reward catholicon ring
Detail The ghost in the Quarantomb has lost his memory, and needs your help. If you can steal back the important possession he lost from whoever took it, his memory might return, and there'll be a reward in it for you too.
Hint for solution Use Half-Inch to steal the seal from Trauminator, boss of low-to-mid level grottoes.
Repeatable no
Date Released October 1, 2010
Quest #144 - "Claws for Thought"
Location Stornway weapon shop at night
Availability Upon arriving at Stornway weapon shop at night
Requested by Claude
Fulfilled to Claude
Reward Orichalcum
Detail The ghost in the weapon shop in Stornway wants you to show him some beastmaster claws. Apparently, you can make them using alchemy.
Hint for solution Beastmaster claws = Beast claws + Monarchic mark + 9 Magic beast horns
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #145 - "Mysterious Monarch"
Location Gittingham Palace
Availability After downloading from DQVC and after finishing quest #143
Requested by Lieutenant Goresby-Purrvis
Fulfilled to Lieutenant Goresby-Purrvis
Reward Pallium regale and alchemy recipes for Psyche swiper, Blessed helm, Glorious armour, Diana gauntlets, and Basilic boots.
Detail At Gittingham Palace, the ghost of Lieutenant Goresby-Purrvis asked you to put the confused former monarch, King Godfrey of the House of Gitt, to rest.
Hint for solution You must battle and defeat King Godfrey to complete the quest. He is in the throne room of the Gittingham Palace. He is at the same level of difficulty as many of the Grotto bosses.
Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #146 - "Hail to the Queen"
Location Starlight Express - Carriage 1
Availability After finishing Quest #145
Requested by Stella
Fulfilled to Stella
Item Required Butterfly wing, Technicolour tutu, Sleeping hibiscus, and Mythril ore
Reward Stellar suit
Detail Stella has ordered you to call her 'Stella, Queen of the Starflight' from now on!
Hint for solution Use the Whistle to call the train, then cancel to get an option to switch to the internal view of the train. Tint-tastic tutu can be bought from the item vendor in Stornway. Technicolour tutu = Technicolour dreamcloth + Tint-tastic tutu
Repeatable No.
Quest #147 - "Licensed To Drive"
Location Inside the Starflight Express
Availability After quest #146
Requested by Sterling
Fulfilled to Sterling
Reward Driver's License
Detail Get all 9 of the Gortress Guerillas to sign a stamp card in order. You can only land the Starflight Express 6 times. You cannot use Zoom or Evac.
Hint for solution The first stamp is given by Sterling. The rest are as follows:
  • #2 Connor in Batsureg, fly here
  • #3 Victor outside the Heights of Loneliness, fly here
  • #4 Dusty in Bloomingdale church tower, run here
  • #5 Godfrey next to waterfall in Angel Falls, fly here
  • #6 Dodger in northwest Coffinwell, run here
  • #7 Cribber in Alltrades Abbey, fly here
  • #8 Forger in Wormwood Creek weapon shop, fly here
  • #9 Digby on tower at the Goretress, fly here

After this, go back inside the Starflight Express and talk to Sterling.

Repeatable {{{repeat}}}
Quest #148 - "Flaptricide"
Location Starflight Express
Availability After quest 147
Requested by Stella
Fulfilled to Stella
Item Required elfin elixir, perfect panacea, special medicine, yggdrasil bud
Reward stellar stockings and blahnolo maniks
Detail Stella thinks she has killed someone in Dourbridge. Head to the inn in Dourbridge to find that the girl is still alive. Stella then wants you to help the girl by giving her stellar medicine. Stella tells the hero the ingredients needed to make it.
Hint for solution Talk to Stella once you have collected the ingredients. The yggdrasil bud can be found at the yggdrasil spawn point on the world map.
Repeatable no
Date Released October 29, 2010
Quest #149 - "Intreeguing Mystery"
Location Bloomingdale, center of twon
Availability After downloading from DQVC and completing Quest 148
Requested by Rayne the researcher
Fulfilled to Rayne the researcher
Reward Supernatural specs
Detail Find proof of the phantom tree on Pluvi Isle.
Hint for solution Go to the tree on Pluvi Isle and check the shining spot to learn about the grave of the unknown maiden. Pluvius, a priest from Gleeba, will come and tell you about it. Next, go to Gleeba and talk to Pluvius in the church. Return to Bloomingdale and talk to the Rayne again about what you have learned. Head for the Ondor Cliffs to the west of Batsureg and read the three shining graves in the middle of the area and report back to Rayne.
Repeatable No
Date Released November 5, 2010
Quest #150 - "Annihilimobliteration!?"
Location Starflight Express
Availability After downloading from DQVC and completing quest 149.
Requested by Stella
Fulfilled to Stella
Reward Stellar starflower
Detail Stella is in the back of the Starflight Express and claims a terrible demon is inside the door in the last car. The Hero must enter and defeate the demon. Upon entering the door, the Hero sees another dimension and fights the monster Tyrannosaura Wrecks
Hint for solution Note that this boss is not to be confused with the Grotto boss Tyrannosaurus Wrecks, although the two are related.
Repeatable no
Date Released November 12, 2010