Leather armour

Leather Armour is an armor item which is common in several Dragon Quest games. It is light armor which is often equipped near the beginning of various games.

Leather Armor


Dragon Quest

Leather Armor can be bought at Tantegel/Brecconary, Garinham, and Cantlin/Mercado for 70 gold coins. Due to text restrictions in the Gameboy Color remake of Dragon Quest, Leather Armor was renamed to Leathr with a picture of armor besides it.

Dragon Quest (NES)
Item Price Attributes
Leather Armor 70 Defense +4

Dragon Quest II

The leather armour has a defense bonus of +6. The Prince of Midenhall and The Prince of Cannock both start the game with it equipped.

Dragon Quest III

The leather armour has a defense bonus of +12. It can be equipped by The Hero, Warriors, Priests, Merchants & Sages.

It can be purchased for 150 gold coins and sold for 112.

Dragon Quest IV

The leather armour has a defense bonus of +12 and can be worn by everyone except Maya & Meena. Laurel has this among his equipment.

It can be purchased for 180 gold coins and sold for 135. Tessie will sell this at Torneko's shop for 270.

Dragon Quest V

The leather armour has a defense bonus of +11.

Dragon Quest VI

Dragon Quest VII

The leather armour has a defense bonus of +11 and an appearance bonus of +15. It can be equipped by the hero, Kiefer, Melvin, and Aira.

Dragon Quest VIII

The leather armour has a defense bonus of +11. Angelo and the hero can equip this. It can be created in the alchemy pot by combining wayfarer's clothes with a magic beast hide. It can be sold for 90 Gold Coins.

Dragon Quest IX

 Leather Armour
Defence +6
Equipable by
Buy Price 160
Sell Price 80
Flavor text Fully frill-free armour of firm, tanned leather.
Notes Sold in Angel Falls & Stornway.

the armour may be equipped by all vocations, save for martial artists and mages.

Dragon Quest Swords


  • Lightweight armour made of leather. (Description when selecting the Leather armour in PS2 Dragon Quest VIII.)

See Also

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