Hunter's bow

From Dragon Quest Wiki
Hunter's bow
Japanese クロスボウ
Romaji {{{romaji}}}
Old localizations None
Found in Dragon Quest IV
Dragon Quest VIII
Dragon Quest IX
Effect None

The Hunter's Bow is a recurring weapon in the Dragon Quest series.


Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen

The Hunter's bow has an Attack bonus of +18. It can be purchased at Pickham for 350 Gold Coins, and sold for 262.

The weapon appears in the remakes of IV in place of the Boomerang, which targeted only a single enemy in the original NES Version.

Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King

The Hunter's bow has an Attack bonus of +30. They can be bought in Pickham for 1,700 Gold Coins and sold for 850. Only Angelo can equip it.

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies

 Hunter's bow  (DS)
Rarity ★☆☆☆☆
Attack +57
Equipable by Armamentalists, Sages, Rangers, Omnivocational Axemaster
Found Sold in Batsureg
Buy Price 4,900
Sell Price 2,450
Flavor text A strong bow that deals a strong blow and is well-loved by warriors.
Notes Recipe: Longbow x1 + Chain whip x1
Dropped by Hunter mechs at 1/64 rate

Dragon Quest Heroes II: Twin Kings and the Prophecy's End
