Platinum lance

From Dragon Quest Wiki
Revision as of 10:59, 4 December 2022 by Follower of Light (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Item |title = ''Platinum lance'' |image = File:nopic.png |japanese = {{tt|プラチナのやり|Platinum spear}} |romaji = Puratinum no yari |names = None |games ={{Dragon Quest X}}<br>{{Dragon Quest XI}} |buy = Varies, see article |sell = Varies, see article |effect = None }} The '''Platinum lance''' is a spear that increases the user's {{Charm}}. ==Appearances== ==={{DQ10}}=== {{Stub}} ==={{DQ11}}=== {{DQXIEquipment |name=<big><big>Platinu...")
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Platinum lance
Japanese プラチナのやり
Romaji Puratinum no yari
Old localizations None
Found in Dragon Quest X
Dragon Quest XI
Effect None

The Platinum lance is a spear that increases the user's Charm.


Dragon Quest X[edit]

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age[edit]

Platinum lance DQXI Logo EN.png
Platinum lance xi icon.png
A powerful polearm forged from platinum that's particularly pleasing on the eye
Stats with forge buffs
Attack +92/96/101/106
Charm +32/34/36/38
Parry chance +2%
Dropped by Orc kings at a rate of 1256, & Honeyhead horknights at a rate of 1128
Price Location
N/A - 3,000 Fun-Size Forge
Forging difficulty
Platinum ore x3, Silver ore x2, Blue eye x1
Serena sprite walk.gifJade sprite walk.gif

The recipe book for the platinum lance is the Platinum Power manual, which is found on a Sniflheim bookshelf.