Undead family
Zombie family (Japanese Katakana: ゾンビ Romanji: Zonbi Zombie) refers to the type of monsters Dragon Quest series. A staple of role playing games the world over, the Zombie family includes animated corpses, skeletons, angry spirits, and even fallen priests. Starting with DQIII, the undead have been assigned extra damage tags that activate when the appropriate weapon strikes them.
Introduced in Dragon Quest
Being the first entry in the series, classification of monsters is rudimentary and based on physical appearance rather than statistical classification. As such, Zombies are not uniquely affected by any spells or items.
Introduced in Dragon Quest II
Monster classification is still not a part of the game's coding, but this entry is notable for introducing players to the staple monsters Walking Corpse and Spirit, as well as their many pallet swaps.
Introduced in Dragon Quest III
Zombies are now recognized by the game's coding, much like Dragons. They will receive 16~32 more damage when struck with the Zombiesbane in the original version, and 50% more damage in the remake and subsequent ports.
- Putrefido
- Rottenweiler
- Bullmustiff
- One-man army
- Armful
- Toxic zombie
- Vladdy
- Drac the Vlad
- Mummy
- Mummy boy
- Skeleton swordsman
- Dragon zombie (receives bonus damage from Dragon slayer as well)
- Drakenstein (receives bonus damage from Dragon slayer as well)
Introduced in Dragon Quest IV
Introduced in Dragon Quest V
Introduced in Dragon Quest VI
The Pearly Gates deals 30% more damage to zombies, and Undead Undoer will deal an extra 50%. The latter skill can also stack with the bonus damage of the Zombiesbane.
- Dead resident
- Gustodian
- Undentured servant
- Gustbluster
- Marrow escapee
- Wraithwand
- Disgusterling
- Silhouette
- Hell Gladiator
- Dreadstaff
- Zombie Gladiator
- Marine Spirit
- Water Wraith
- Corpsickle
- Grim Keeper
- Mortamor's head
Introduced in Dragon Quest VII
Introduced in Dragon Quest VIII
The undead are considerably more durable to physical attacks in the eighth entry of the series, taking only 70% damage from even fully tensioned characters. This is thanks to an effect tag worked into the game's programming, and cannot be negated. The Zombiesbane deals only 30% more damage this time around. However, it can be improved through alchemy to become the Zombie Slayer, which deals 60% more damage. The affects of Pearly Gates remain the same.
- Phantom fencer
- Blood mummy
- Phantom swordsman
- Zombie Gladiator
- Dark Skeleton
- Dark Dullahan
- Grim Rider
- Bloody Hand
- Dullahan
- Wight Priest
- Invisible Swordsman
- Hell's Gatekeeper
Introduced in Dragon Quest IX
Zombies will recieve an additional 10% damage when struck by Staves. Furthermore, they will take 20% more damage when attacked with the Holy Lance, Battle Fork, Celestial Spear, and Divine Dagger. The skill Deliverance effectivly replaces Undead Undoer.
- Night knight
- Wight emperor
- Blight knight
- Wight knight
- Sir Sanguinus
Strengths and Weakness
- The Corpse Corporal family tends to poison and envenom . (e.g. Toxic zombie)
- Some of them might give deadly hits (e.g. Wight priest).
- Low resistance to Fire and Zap-type attacks.
- SkeletonArt.png
- DQ Skeleton Soldier.png
Skeleton soldier
- DQII Walking corpse.png
Walking corpse
- DQII Ghoul.png
- DQII Mummy.png
- DQII Mummy Boy.png
Mummy boy
- DQII Muddy Hand.png
Muddy hand
- DQIV Bone Baron.png
Bone baron
- Skeleton Swordsman.png
Skeleton swordsman
- DQV Lesionnaire.png
- DQVII Fright Knight.png
Fright knight