
Revision as of 07:40, 3 February 2022 by Antiyonder (talk | contribs)

Sagittar is a mechanical centaur-like boss encountered in the game Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2 in the Bemusoleum area.


Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2

Sagittar attacks more than once per round (like many bosses) and usually hits all three monster slots on the Hero's team. The automatic crossbows it wields allow it to output a tremendous volume of physical attacks, making Kabuff a must. Its biggest magical threat is called Thin Air.

Family Material
Rank X
Size L
Weapons Staves
Traits Double Trouble, Early Bird, Hit Squad, Grand Slammer
Resistances Vulnerable to Abiliterator, Immune to Bang, Zap, Whack, Poison, Confusion, Inaction, Paralysis, and Sleep
Skill Sagittar
Location -
Breeding chart Trauminator x Overkilling machine x Killing machine x Trap box

Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2 Professional

Dragon Quest Monsters: Super Light

#878 - Sagittar
HP MP Experience Gold
610 205
Attack Defense Speed
450 440 410
Family Machine
Bestiary # 878
Game Dragon Quest Monsters: Super Light