Metal slime shield

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The Metal slime shield is a nigh-impenetrable buckler based on the infamous globs. Though much like how its namesake is the least impressive of its family, the shield is nevertheless a tremendous boon to any player and will make the equipping character impervious to all but the strongest attacks.

Metal slime shield
Metal slime shield.png
Japanese メタスラの盾
Romaji Metasura tate
Old localizations None
Found in Dragon Quest IX
Dragon Quest X
Dragon Quest XI
Dragon Quest of the Stars
Dragon Quest Walk
Effect Reduces elemental damage


Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry SkiesEdit

  Metal slime shield  
A shield made with metal slimes that guards against magical attacks
Rarity Stats Vocations
★★☆☆☆ Defence +33
Charm +44
Block +7.5%
-5% all elemental damage
Upgrades into Liquid metal shield
Price Location
NA/15,000 1% chance in Rank 9 chests.
Received as a reward for completing Quest #136 the first time
Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3
None None None

Dragon Quest XEdit

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive AgeEdit

Metal slime shield  
A impressively impervious piece of protective gear that guards against all elements
Stats with forge buffs
Defence +39/40/42/44
Block +7%/8%
-5% all elemental damage
Price Location
NA/10,000 Fun-Size Forge
Forging difficulty
Molten globules x1, Slimedrop x1, Big bone x2, Sun-bleached seashell x2

Instructions for forging the shield are detailed in Things to Do with Metal Goo, which is the reward for completing quest #49 A Long-Lost Literary Love, which is in Arboria beginning with the second act.

Dragon Quest of the StarsEdit

See alsoEdit
