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Snakeskin xi icon.png
Japanese へびのぬけがら
Romaji Hebi no nukegara
Old localizations N/a
Found in Dragon Quest IX
Dragon Quest X
Dragon Quest XI
Dragon Quest Heroes
Dragon Quest Heroes II
Effect Used as an ingredient to create items.

Snakeskin is a recurring item in the Dragon Quest series. It is a piece of skin left behind by a serpent or other scaly monster that is used as a crafting ingredient.


Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies[edit]

The sloughed-off skin of a slithering serpent. Alchemise it![1]
Icon in IX

Snakeskin can be commonly dropped by Flythons, Diethons, and Sail serpents, found randomly in Rank 7 barrels, pots, and dressers around the world, or received as a reward for repeating Quest #26: Doug and the Sluggers. It can be sold for 49 gold. Snakeskin is used in the following alchemy recipes:

Item Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3
DQIX Snakeskin whip.png
Snakeskin whip
DQIX Leather whip.png
Leather whip
Snakeskin x3

Item Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3
DQIX Snakeskin whip.png
Serpentine whip
DQIX Snakeskin whip.png
Snakeskin whip
Snakeskin x5
Magic beast hornIXicon.png
Magic beast horn

Item Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3
DQIX Snakeskin whip.png
DQIX Snakeskin whip.png
Serpentine whip
Snakeskin x6
ICON-Tough guy tattoo.png
Tough guy tattoo

Item Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3
DQIX Cobra fan.png
Cobra fan
DQIX War fan.png
War fan
Snakeskin x2
ICON-Dragon's scale.png
Dragon scale

Item Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3
DQIX Tricky turban.png
Tricky turban
DQIX turban.png
DQIX Toad oil.png
Toad oil

Item Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3
DQIX scale armour.png
Large-scale armour
DQIX scale armour.png
Scale armour
DQIX Scale shield.png
Scale shield

Dragon Quest X[edit]

Snakeskin is used as a material for crafting weapons, armour, and furniture, or in Alchemy to increase resistance against stumbling. It can be dropped by various monsters, including Grimlins, Smogbonnets, and Bloodbonnets.

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age[edit]

The sloughed-off skin of a slithering serpent.[2]

Snakeskin can be dropped by Flythons, Bloodbonnets, Diethons, Smogbonnets, and Sail serpents, can be picked up from a singular sparkly spot in the Gallopolis Region. It can be sold for 77 gold each. Snakeskin is used in the following recipes for the Fun-Size Forge:

Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woe and the Blight Below[edit]

Snakeskin can be dropped by Bags o' laughs and Dark skeletons or received from King Flaminio in exchange for 5 Mini medals. It can also be received as a reward for completing Showdown: Old Five Necks with silver clear time from the 2nd time onward. Snakeskin can be used to create Mugger's masks, the quick recipe for the Sock-it locket, or the classic recipe for the Pink pearl ring in the Alchemy Pot or sold for 60 gold each.

Dragon Quest Heroes II: Twin Kings and the Prophecy's End[edit]

Snakeskin can be used as a material for improving various accessories or sold for 60 gold each. It can be dropped by Bodkin archers, Bags o' laughs, and Imps.

In Other Languages[edit]

Language Translation Meaning
ICON-FLAG-ES.png EspañolPiel de serpienteSpanish for "snake skin".
ICON-FLAG-FR.png FrançaisPeau de serpentFrench for "snake skin".
ICON-FLAG-DE.png DeutschSchlangenhautGerman for "snake skin".
ICON-FLAG-IT.png ItalianoPelle di serpenteItalian for "snake skin".


  1. Nintendo DS version.
  2. Sony PlayStation 4, Steam, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One versions.