Headsman's axe

From Dragon Quest Wiki
Headsman's axe
Headman's axe IX art.png
Japanese まじんのオノ (III & VII)
はしゃのオノ (IX)
Romaji Majin no Ono (III & VII)
Hasha no Ono (IX)
Old localizations Demon axe
Found in Dragon Quest III
Dragon Quest VII
Dragon Quest IX
Effect Varies, see article

The headsman's axe is a recurring weapon in the Dragon Quest series. It is a ferocious-looking axe that provides melee-oriented characters with considerable boon in the late-game part of their journey. It is the first of the low-accuracy-but-always-critical category of weapons, succeeded by the Hela's hammer.


Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation[edit]

Found in the Castle of Baramos, the Headsman's axe gives an attack bonus of +90 (+105 in the remakes) to Warriors, and will land a critical hit exactly 12.5% (18) of the time. A chance to miss the target entirely, also 12.5%, balances this out. It can be sold for 375 gold coins.

Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake[edit]

Headsman's axe III HD icon.png Headsman's axe DRAGONQUEST III HD2D Logo 800px.png
Just as likely to land a critical hit as it is to miss entirely. Best wait to wield this till you're feeling lucky
Stats Vocations
Attack +110 Warrior iconHD2D.png
1/8th chance to land a Critical Hit
1/8th chance to miss target
Price Location
NA/375 Baramos' Lair

Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past[edit]

Aishe is the only one who can equip the axe in either version of VII. It provides +108 attack, +20 Style, and a reduced accuracy of 38 (37.5%). As it is not cursed and does not consume MP upon use, it is more convenient to use than the normal Hela Hammer and Hatchet Man.

The axe is incredibly hard to come by in a normal playthrough, being dropped only by vulgarians at a 1256 rate.

Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies[edit]

Much like the Hela Hammer, the Headsman's Axe has lost its special critical hit rate, and is simply an incredibly powerful weapon.

Headsmans axe icon IX.png  Headsman's Axe  (DS)
Rarity ★★☆☆☆
Attack 98
Found Sold in Dourbridge's secret shop
Equipable by Gladiators, Rangers, Omnivocational Axemaster
Buy Price 28,800
Sell Price 14,400
Flavor text An enormous axe of frankly fearsome force.

Upgrades in to the Executioner's axe by mixing with two ethereal stones and one raging ruby.


Headsman is an antiquated term for a judicial executioner. Specifically, it refers to one who executes convicted criminals via decapitation by a large axe. These axes would be inscribed with the words Cast in the name of God, ye not guilty, to show that the executioner was not guilty of murder in the eyes of God.
