List of sword alchemy recipes in Dragon Quest IX

From Dragon Quest Wiki

This is a list of sword alchemy recipes in Dragon Quest IX. There are a total of 17 swords that can be made.

See also:

Name Alchemy Ingredients Stats Recipe Location
aurora blade

cautery sword (1)
brighten rock (3)
holy water (1)

Attack: 70

dragon slayer

dragonsbane (1)
mighty armlet (1)

Attack: 88

Erdrick's sword

rusty sword (1)
glass frit (9)
orichalcum (1)

Attack: 158

fire blade

valkyrie sword (1)
lava lump (3)
rockbomb shard (1)

Attack: 83

fizzle foil

rapier (1)
narspicious (3)
mythril ore (1)

Attack: 67

gigasteel broadsword

steel broadsword (1)
iron ore (2)
hephaestus' flame (1)

Attack: 62

inferno blade

fire blade (1)
sunstone (1)
rockbomb shard (3)

Attack: 99

liquid metal sword

metal slime sword (1)
orichalcum (1)
slimedrop (6)

Attack: 124

metal king sword

liquid metal sword (1)
orichalcum (1)
slime crown (1)

Attack: 137

nebula sword

stardust sword (1)
agate of evolution (1)
silver orb (1)

Attack: 155

platinum sword

iron broadsword (1)
platinum ore (1)
hephaestus' flame (1)

Attack: 51

stardust sword

supernova sword (1)
reset stone (1)

Attack: 145

steel broadsword

iron broadsword (1)
iron ore (1)
lava lump (1)

Attack: 45

supernova sword

nebula sword (1)
agate of evolution (3)
silver orb (3)

Attack: 168

über falcon blade

falcon blade (1)
meteorite bracer (1)

Attack: 26

über miracle sword

miracle sword (1)
life bracer (2)

Attack: 93

warrior's sword

soldier's sword (1)
raging ruby (1)
warrior's helm (1)

Attack: 63


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