Cave to Another World

The Cave to Another World is the first bonus dungeon in Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past.

Each section of the cave appears like other dungeons that are explored in the game. It can be unlocked after beating the game. At the end of the dungeon, the party can challenge the Almighty if they wish, and He will give them one reward for each time He is defeated.

The fragments required to access the Cave are received from:

  • Gracos V
  • A pair of ghosts at the Coral Cave in the past.
  • King Maximo after turning in 100 Mini medals (85 in the 3DS version)
  • The castle town of Estard in the epilogue. The party must check the well to receive the fragment. In the PSX version, the party has to stash away the fragment in a treasure chest near the cliff by Dermot the Hermit's house. In the 3DS version, the fragment will appear in the party's inventory if the player saved after the ending.


Sections from previous dungeons are incorporated in the following order:

Sony PlayStation VersionEdit

Nintendo 3DS VersionEdit

Notable attributeEdit

        This is a location where the game can be saved.




Other languagesEdit

Language Translation Meaning
  EspañolCueva a otro mundo
  FrançaisVers un autre monde
  DeutschPortal in andere Welt
  ItalianoVerso mondi misteriosi