Duplic hat: Difference between revisions

From Dragon Quest Wiki
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Image:DQVI_Echo_hat.png|''Dragon Quest VI''
Image:DQVI_Echo_hat.png|The duplic hat from ''Dragon Quest VI''.

Revision as of 02:11, 14 October 2018

DQV Duplic Hat.png

The Duplic hat (Echo hat) is a rare helmet that allows in-battle spells to echo and be cast twice. Due to its incredible potential, it is exceedingly hard to come by in all its appearances.


Dragon Quest V

In the SNES version, the hat increases defence by +25 and can be found in the bowels of Mt. Zugzwang and is dropped by the Whackolyte at a rate of 1/128. Bianca and the girl can equip it, along with a handful of monsters.

The hat has been removed entirely from the PS2, DS, and Mobile device versions.

Dragon Quest VI

The hat fortunately appears in all versions of VI, increasing defence by +25 and style by just +2. It may be donned by Milly, Ashlynn, Nevan, and the slime buddies. The Pudgedevil and Metal king slime drop the hat at a rate of 1/256, meaning that even with a whole team of thieves players would only have a 3.125% chance to swipe one. Fortunately, one can be found in a chest hidden away in Reaper's Peak.

Dragon Quest VII

Dragon Quest IX

The cap does not appear in IX, but its effects are replicated by the secret Twocus Pocus skill a Sage can use after placing the Sage's Scripture scroll in their inventory.
