Devilry drinker

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Devilry drinker
Japanese メビウスの盾
Romaji Mebiusu no tate
Old localizations None
Found in Dragon Quest IX
Dragon Quest XI
Effect Casts Magic Barrier when used as an tool in battle.
Protects wielder from elemental attacks.

The Devilry drinker is a rare and powerful shield introduced in Dragon Quest IX. It is the one of the final stages of the Brain drainer, surpassed only by the astounding power of the Soul sucker


Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies

DQIX Brain drainer.png Devilry drinker DQIX Logo.png
Devilry drinker IX artwork.png
A supreme shield that brings a magical barrier into being
Rarity Stats Vocations
★★★★☆ Defence +38
Charm +56
Block +9.5%
-10% Blast/Lighting, Dark, Fire, Ice, Wind damage
Casts Magic Barrier
Price Location
NA/25,000 Krak Pot
Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3
DQIX Brain drainer.png Agate of evolutionIXicon.png x3 Green orbIXicon.png x3

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age

Devilry drinker DQXI Logo EN.png
Devilry drinker xi icon.png
An awe-inspiring shield that can erect a barrier capable of blocking incoming spells
Stats with forge buffs
Defence +63/66/70/74
Block +9%
-10% all elemental damage
Casts Magic Barrier
Dropped by Hooper dupers at 1/256
Price Location
800K casino tokens/30,000 Puerto Valor casino
Forging difficulty
Hero XI sprite walk.gifSerena sprite walk.gifSylvando sprite walk.gifHendrik sprite walk.gif

Because of their high sell price, many players recommend having Erik steal lots of devilry drinkers from hooper dupers and sell them for relatively easy money. This can be very helpful for raising enough money to purchase equipment at Derk's shop in the endgame, especially if players want to buy the very expensive pep pops there.

Other Languages

Language Translation Meaning
ICON-FLAG-ES.png EspañolAbsorbemaldadEvil absorber
ICON-FLAG-FR.png FrançaisQommaléficeEvil spell eater