Sunderbolt blade

From Dragon Quest Wiki
Revision as of 22:19, 20 June 2023 by Vgmaster77 (talk | contribs) (Adding appearance entry from Dragon Quest Tact)
Sunderbolt Blade
Japanese らいめいのけん
Romaji {{{romaji}}}
Old localizations Thunder Sword (DQVII PS1)
Found in Dragon Quest VI
Dragon Quest VII
Effect When used as an item in battle, it casts Zap on a group of enemies.

The Sunderbolt Blade is a recurring sword in the Dragon Quest series. When used as a tool in battle, it casts Zap on a group of enemies.


Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation

The sunderbolt blade has an attack bonus of +95 and a style bonus of +45. It is equipped by Terry when he joins the party and it can also be equipped by the Hero, Milly, Nevan, Amos, and Goowain. It cannot be purchased or sold anywhere.

It can be reworked at the Fashion Forge for 12,000 gold, boosting its style bonus to +65. If it is equipped with a Tempest shield, the wearer will receive a +35 style bonus.

Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past

The sunderbolt blade has an attack bonus of +95 and a style bonus of +45. It can be equipped by the Hero, Sir Mervyn, and Aishe. The sword can be purchased from the Divine Shrine and the Sea Dragon for 24,000 gold and sold for 12,000 gold. Once again, it has a +35 style bonus if equipped with a tempest shield when being ranked for the Style contest of the Excellence Grading Organisation.

Dragon Quest Tact

The Sunderbolt Blade appears as a spell that can be learned by Terry through Talent Blossoming and costs 100 MP to use. It inflicts major unreflectable Zap-type spell damage proportional to his ATK to all enemies in a T-shaped area of effect in front of him. Upgrading the skill increases its damage and reduces the amount of MP it costs to use.

Sunderbolt Blade (らいめいのけん Raimei no maken)Tactlogo.png
Ability information
Sunderbolt Blade
Role * Type * Element MP cost
Attack Spell DQTact Zap.png 100
Range Additional effects
DQTact SkillRangeT.png
Deals major, unreflectable Zap-type spell damage proportional to ATK to all enemies in area of effect
Naturally learnt by

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