Veronica (Dragon Quest XI)

A gifted young girl who wields powerful offensive spells. Fearless and a bit of a tomboy, she will stand up to anyone, be they an adult or even a fearsome monster.
Dragon Quest XI
DQXI Veronica.png
Sprite(s) DQXI Veronica sprite.png
Japanese name ベロニカ
Romaji Beronika
Title Keeper
Class Mage
Race Human
Family Serena (twin sister)
Fidelus (father)
Alma (mother)
Serenica (ancestor)
Voice actor Maaya Uchida (Japanese, Dragon Quest Rivals, XI S)
Lauren Coe (English)

Veronica is a character in Dragon Quest XI. She is a brash, prodigal mage who wields offensive spells and comes from the land of Arboria. Both she and her twin sister, Serena, are Keepers and have sworn themselves to protect and aid the Luminary on his journey.

Appearance & Personality

Veronica appears to be a very young girl with indigo-colored eyes and long blonde hair with a fringe worn in two braids, tied in orange hairbands at the ends. She wears a long red wizard's hat, a red dress with a large red bow in the front over a white smock with puffed sleeves, blue bracelets, and purple leather shoes with orange socks. She also carries a very tall wand topped with a red orb that is much taller than her.

She is a strong-willed magical prodigy, but hates being treated like a child. This is due to the fact that Veronica is actually older than she appears, but after an encounter in Hotto with monsters serving the Lord of Shadows, her appearance was transformed into that of a young girl and she temporarily lost her magical powers. With the aid of the Luminary and Erik, she was able to rescue her sister Serena and defeat the monster who stole her powers, Jarvis, but she did not return to her true age.


Veronica and her twin sister, Serena, both inherited the soul of the sage Serenica, who accompanied Erdwin, the original Luminary on his journey against the Dark One. The two hail from the land of Arboria and are Keepers, a group of people dedicated to protecting the Luminary and helping him fight against the evils of Erdrea. The two girls have known since birth that they would aid the Luminary on his journey.

Base Stats

Attribute Starting Stats Maximum Stats
Level 12 99
HP 55 545
MP 57 660
Strength 20 280
Agility 38 390
Resilience 9 170
Magical Might 63 660
Magical Mending 0 0
Deftness 38 390
Charm 35 250
Initial gear Veronica's staff, Hairband, Silk robe
Thorn whip (in inventory)

Pep bonus

Magical might +20% (40%), resilience +40% (60%), Magic critical hit rate up (Magic critical rate further increased). Parenthesis accounts for pep-up power-up bonus.


Veronica is a Mage, being capable of casting an array of powerful offensive spells in battle, including the Frizz, Sizz, Bang, and the majority of the Crack series of spells, as well as access to some useful utility spells such as Sap and Decelerate. However, she has some of the lowest max HP and Resilience in battle, so care must be taken that she does not fall victim to the enemy's attacks in battle. Her weapons of choice are heavy wands and whips and her equipment is limited to robes and other pieces of clothing and hats for spellcasters.


Name MP Level Target Description
Frizz 2 12 One enemy NA
Sizz 3 12 Enemy group NA
Crack 3 12 One enemy NA
Sap 2 12 One enemy NA
Magic Barrier 4 12 Party NA
Decelerate 2 12 One enemy NA
Fizzle 3 13 Enemy group NA
Bang 6 13 One ally NA
Dedazzle 2 14 One ally NA
Deceleratle 4 17 All enemies NA
Kasap 4 18 Enemy group NA
Fuddle 3 19 Enemy group NA
Sizzle 7 21 Enemy group NA
Frizzle 8 23 One enemy NA
Drain Magic 0 24 One enemy NA
Crackle 8 26 Enemy group NA
Bounce 6 27 One ally NA
Boom 12 29 All enemies NA
Oomphle 8 31 One ally NA
Blunt 6 36 One enemy NA
Kasizz 16 38 Enemy group NA
Kafuddle 8 42 All enemies NA
Kacrack 20 44 All enemies NA
Kafrizz 21 54 One enemy NA
Kaboom 24 57 All enemies NA
Kasizzle 48 64 Enemy group NA
Magic Burst All 70 All enemies NA

Character builder

Heavy Wands

Name MP Points Target Pep Info Oomph
MP Absorption When Wielding +2% -- 3 -- -- NA --
Beelzefreeze 2 4 -- -- 150% damage to Demon family monsters with a 25% chance to paralyze --
Minor MP Recovery After Battle -- 6 -- -- NA --
Antimagic 2 8 -- -- Attempts to fizzle a foe --
Magical Might +10 -- 10 -- -- NA --
Staff of Salvation 4 13 -- -- Restores up to 130~150 HP to an ally --
Ring of Ruin 4 13 -- -- Raises the spell critical hit rate for all allies by 20%, and by 80% for Zam spells --
Magical Might +20 -- 14 -- -- NA --
Moderate MP Recovery After Battle -- 14 -- -- NA --
Maximum MP When Wielding +20 -- 16 -- -- NA --
MP Absorption When Wielding +4% -- 16 -- -- NA --
Maximum MP When Wielding +10 -- 18 -- -- NA --
Magical Might +30 -- 20 -- -- NA --
Zing Stick 12 20 -- -- 100% revival chance with up to half HP restored --
Pep Chance +10% -- 25 -- -- NA --


Name MP Points Target Pep Info Oomph
Hypnowhip 5 3 -- -- 110% damage, 25% chance to fuddle foes --
Attack Power When Wielding +10 -- 4 -- -- NA --
Lashings of Love 2 6 -- -- 150% (plus 5) damage to Humanoid family monsters --
Hit the Hay 5 7 -- -- 110% damage, 25% chance to snooze foes --
Attack Power When Wielding +15 -- 9 -- -- NA --
Attack Power When Wielding +20 -- 13 -- -- NA --
Attack Power When Wielding +20, second boost -- 14 -- -- NA --
Starstrike 5 14 -- -- 110% damage, 25% chance to dazzle foes --
Maximum MP +20 -- 16 -- -- NA --
MP Absorption When Wielding +2% -- 16 -- -- NA --
Trammel Lash 5 16 -- -- 110% damage, 25% chance to paralyze foes --
Twin Dragon Lash 8 18 -- -- Two strikes at double power, 400% damage total --
Whipcrackle 16 20 -- -- 320% lightning damage, higher chance to critical hit --
Wyrm Whip 12 20 -- -- Three strikes to a single enemy at 60% power for 180% total damage, strips target of all buffs --
Pep-Up Power-Up -- 25 -- -- Boosts the character's attribute bonuses even further when they are Pepped up. --


Name MP Points Target Pep Info Oomph
Magical Might +10 -- 8 -- -- NA --
Maximum MP +10 -- 8 -- -- NA --
Spooky Aura 3 8 -- -- Reduces enemy resistance to spells by 25% for 4~6 turns --
Wizard Ward 3 8 -- -- Raises Veronica's spell resistance by 50% for 4~6 turns --
Fire and Earth Resistance +20% -- 10 -- -- NA --
Ice and Wind Resistance +20% -- 10 -- -- -- --
Sage’s Breath 0 12 -- -- Restores 5% of Veronica's max MP for five turns --
Channel Anger 16 14 -- -- Raises Veronica's magical might by 50% for 4~6 turns --
Light and Lightning Resistance +20% -- 14 -- -- NA --
Magical Might +20 -- 14 -- -- NA --
Magical Might +30 -- 16 -- -- NA --
Maximum MP+30 -- 16 -- -- NA --
Kaboomle -- 20 -- -- NA --
Kafrizzle -- 20 -- -- NA --
Enchanting Echo -- 25 -- -- Veronica's spells have a 20% chance to echo. Magic burst does not work with this trait --


Veronica is the Latin alteration of the name Berenice, a name which means "bringing victory". The spelling of Veronica is influenced by the Latin phrase vera icon, which means true image, possibly referring to Veronica's transformation and her true fate. Veronica is the name of a saint who lived in Jerusalem in the 1st century AD who famously wiped Jesus's face with a cloth and then found his image imprinted on it. It became a popular girls' name in medieval times due to this legend. It was not common in modern times until the 19th century, when the name was brought from France and Scotland.

The word vim is an antiquated adjective that describes someone as being very lively and full of high energy.


  • Veronica and Serena bear some similarities to the sisters Maya and Meena from Dragon Quest IV:
    • Veronica and Maya are users of offensive magic, while Serena and Meena use restorative and defensive magic.
    • The two pairs share near identical appearances (although Maya and Meena are not twins). Veronica and Maya have fringes in their hair, while Meena and Serena do not.
    • The personalities and temperaments of both pairs of sisters are very different from each other. Veronica and Maya are brash, impulsive, and fiery, while Serena and Meena are more level-headed.
    • Veronica is the older of the two twins and Maya is a few years younger than Meena.
  • She is able to dress like Stella and High Priestess Jacqueline by equipping certain pieces of armor.
  • In the international fan poll for Dragon Quest XI released by Japanese gaming magazine Famitsu, Veronica was voted the second most popular female character in the game and the fourth overall, with a total of 506 votes.
