The Manglegrove

From Dragon Quest Wiki
Revision as of 15:09, 1 February 2022 by Aphelion (talk | contribs) (Aphelion moved page Manglegrove to The Manglegrove over redirect)

The Manglegrove is a jungle in Dragon Quest XI located southwest of Heliodor. The Luminary and Erik first head there after escaping the castle's dungeons to head back to the village of Cobblestone. Here, the Luminary first acquires the Fun-Size Forge from Erik.


Roving Emporium
Item Price Attributes
Copper sword 270 +13 Attack
Copper chopper 300 +15 Attack
Bronze knife 150 +12 Attack
Boomerang 420 +15 Attack
Leather shield 90 +4 Defence/+5% Block Chance
Leather hat 65 +3 Defence
Pointy hat 70 +5 Defence/+4 Magical Might/+3 Magical Mending
Boxer shorts 100 +10 Defence
Leather armour 180 +11 Defence
Medicinal herb 8 Heals a small amount of HP.
Antidotal herb 10 Cures one party member of poison.
Holy water 20 Repels weaker monsters.
Chimaera wing 20 Teleport to last place prayed or last important location visited.
Flintstone 120 Fun-Size Forge material.
Small scale 60 Fun-Size Forge material.
Fresh water 65 Fun-Size Forge material.


Sparkly Spots

